Chapter 10

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"So just write another bert story," Diana said to Ruby
"another bert story?" she replied
"you always write a version of the same story about a dashing hero named Albert, Herbert, Rupert, Pilbert-" Caspienne added on to what Diana said with "Filbert, Hilbert-"
"Pilbert?! I would never write a story about a boy named Pilbert!" Ruby defended.
Ruby and Diana started arguing as Caspienne and Anne zoned out, only half paying attention.
"Anne! please take your nose out of that book and help me here!" Diana exasperated
"how about a tragical tail about a sad and handsome scientist that one day stumbles upon a secret that could save the world," Anne said dreamily. How in the world did she come up with such stories? Cas thought, and as if they were in sync Diana asked "Oh Anne, how do you come up with such amazing things all the time?"
"I draw from life Diana" she smiled.

As the girls continued doing whatever it was they were enamored with, Caspienne thought inwardly. She wanted to write a letter to Gilbert to catch up and see how he was faring, but she didn't want to be too direct. Although, it's not like she once went knocking on his door at four in the morning crying her eyes out, right?

"Dear Gilbert, I have been thinking of you and what amazing adventures you are currently indulging in, I wish I could partake in them. I can only imagine all of the things you have already seen. Your house is doing just fine, still standing at least. All of your farm animals are doing splendid, your horse is still as beautiful as ever. If you get the chance to write back, I would love to hear what you have experienced in the past eight months.
With care,

She looked at what she wrote and felt content with it
"what are you writing, Cas?" Ruby pried
"Its nothing!" Cas hastily replied, Ruby would have her head if she heard Cas was trying to write to Gilbert.
"Ok... I was just wondering" Ruby replied suspiciously.
"I ought to go.. double-check Gilbert's house! I think I might have uh.. left the door unlocked!" Caspienne lied on the spot
"I'm ever so jealous that Gilbert entrusted his farm and house to you Caspienne" Ruby sighed.


Chatter was overwhelming the room in which Anne, Diana, Ruby, and Caspienne were in, a man stood by the stage as Mrs. Lynde quieted everyone down. As the adults talked about where the gold sample went, as well as the cost to have one's own property tested. Caspienne leaned over to Anne and the girls
"We need to tell Gilbert, he ought to know there may be gold on his property," she told them
"But we don't even know where he is" Diana pointed out
"Actually... I do, or at least where he is going to be." Cas admitted, as she shrunk back at Ruby's deadly glare, "I'll write to him, tell him there is gold in Avonlea. He deserves to know" she said.
Caspienne got up and went off to get ready to write her second letter to him (as she had already sent the previously mentioned letter). The next day, she got it sent out as quickly as possible.


Gilbert, Trinidad

Gilbert sat in his hammock looking over the letter he had received. "Gilbert Blythe" was written elegantly across the front of it, he almost felt guilty tearing through the top of it. As he read through it, he couldn't help but smile at the way Caspienne wrote, her cursive was eloquent and neat, almost like her.. wait, did I just think that? He paused
"Who is that writing to you?" Bash questioned
"A girl, in Avonlea, we were close. She's asking what I have been up to" he chuckles, "I can't imagine her face when she hears it's Trinidad, it would be priceless."
"This sounds more like 'a girl' to me" Bash teased him
"No, Bash it's not like that" Gilbert nearly blushed
"well, tell me about her" Bash was egging him on, trying to get him to see what was plainly visible, that Cas wasn't just a friend.
"Her name is Caspienne, she is rather quiet, but I've witnessed firsthand what a sharp tongue she has. She has the darkest, longest black hair I've ever seen" he said, almost longingly.
"oh yes, she is such a 'friend'" Bash continued his lighthearted torment and chuckled.
Gilbert just brushed it off and set the letter down on the barrel next to him and started to think deeply.



AN: This chapter has a lot of fluff, so I hope you enjoy that! Caspienne is going to get into a lot of trouble soon, so I hope you don't mind a good deal of drama. I'm a bit of a sucker for dramatic stories. Please leave a like and comment, it really helps and it's free!

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