Day 24 *trigger warning*

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Day 24: Write a suicide note

The Way and Ramsay parents walked in the door, laughing about something that had happened at dinner.

“Gerard! Come along! We’re going home!” Mrs. Way called, a harshness to her tone saved especially for her son. It used to be saved for both of them, until Mikey escaped. There was no answer.

“Son!” Mr. Way boomed. Still nothing.

“I assure you they haven’t left their rooms.” Mrs. Ramsay said with a sickening smile. The four parents’ discipline was less than humane, but it worked for them.

“I’ll go get him.” Mr. Ramsay said, heading upstairs to the room Gerard was forced to stay in for the night. He swung open the door, only to find nothing but a note placed neatly on the table in the middle of the room. He went over to it and picked it up before storming over to Jade’s room, only to find it in the same state. He opened Jade’s and read it:

We’re in a better place now.

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