Day 2

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Day 2: Write something that takes place in an airport

Jack and Alex ran as fast as their feet could take them, their car having broke down just minutes from their destination. It wasn't either of theirs anyway, so the car itself breaking down wasn't what they cared about; it was the fact that their plane left in fifteen minutes, and the car broke down twenty minutes away from the airport. So their feet pounded the pavement and they just kept going, not wanting to miss their only chance out of here. Two of their friends had agreed that they could all share an apartment, Jack and Alex just needed to get there.

They got to the airport with only a minute left to get to their terminal, and they were exhausted. But they knew they had to do this for their own good, so they carried on.

They ran to the gate just as the stewardess was about to close the door, and they sent her a fleeting 'thank you' as she held it open long enough for them to get through. They calmly got on the plane and collapsed in their seats, backpacks still on their backs and tired smiles on their faces.

They had made it.

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