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Marianne remained paralyzed at the apartment doorway taking in the gut-wrenching scene unfolding before her. A feeling of dread and anxiety crept up from the pits of her stomach.

"W-what happened Seth?" She approached her friend warily before engulfing him into a tight hug. "Talk to me."

Ed was also shocked. "Is he okay?"

"What do you think?" Marianne snapped leaving the poor brunette in dismay. "He's bawling his eyes out so clearly he's not okay!"

"I was just—never mind." Ed sighed as he paved way for Seth and Marianne.

Ed took it upon himself to carry Seth's bags inside then he decided to give the two best friends some space. The last thing he wanted was to be an intruder, whatever that had hit his workmate must've been extremely tough on him.

"I'm sorry," Marianne muttered dejectedly. "I shouldn't have blown on you like that. That was..." Traces of shame infused with unadulterated regret were evident on her face.

"It's okay," Ed said. "Did he tell you what's wrong with him?"

"No." Marianne whispered. "I think it's something to do with Dr. Bravucci."

"Or maybe not," Ed muttered as he stroked his girlfriend's hair. He paused to seek eye contact. "It could be anything, love."

"He said he wants to be alone for now." Marianne was now an emotional wreck. She couldn't help but wonder what Dr. Bravucci must've done to upset Seth. The two were supposed to be in Italy up until the next five days meaning their vacation had been cut short.

"We need to respect that. Come on, let's catch a movie while we wait for him to open up." Ed suggested.

"Okay," she mumbled, "I'll make popcorn."

. . .

Twenty hours earlier

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Leonardo probed, interrupting Seth's thoughts. "You were smiling."

"I received a call from the group home a few minutes ago, my mom is starting to show signs of recovery. I think she's going to be just fine."

"That's great news." Leonardo said as he continued drying himself up. He'd just gotten out of a long shower. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks," Seth said, shamelessly stalking the drying towel as it gently rubbed against Leonardo's glistening skin. The resident willed himself to look away but not for too long, he just couldn't deprive himself of such a pleasant view. "Did you take care of yourself in the shower?"

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