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Waiting for Seth to start functioning was the worst wait Leonardo had ever experienced

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Waiting for Seth to start functioning was the worst wait Leonardo had ever experienced.

It was worse than waiting to get to the front of Trader Joe's checkout line—there at least the endgame will be in sight. Leonardo ended up dozing on the visitors' couch inside Seth's room hoping he'd would wake up any time which he did six hours later.

Seth blinked and quickly scanned his environment only to frown in confusion. What happened? He noticed he was in a hospital, IV bags and all. Then he remembered feeling extremely dizzy before passing out at a bus stop in Moneda.

The resident groaned when he felt the discomfort of a catheter inside his urethra. How gross. He grimaced while leaning down to detach it himself.

Then he willed his body to sit up straight and that's when he realized he had company. Seth wondered why his boss was torturing himself by sleeping on a clearly uncomfortable couch yet he owned a king size bed back at his penthouse.

Seth carefully stretched his hand reaching for his chart. He browsed through only to discover he'd suffered a mild concussion, coded once, also had seizures and now he was on rehydration therapy.

"Fuck my life." Seth muttered to himself. "Now I'm stuck here."

"Dr. Mickelson." Seth heard someone call his name from the doorway which also woke Leonardo. "How are you feeling?" It was Dr. Montgomery.

"Apart from a headache I think I'm good to go." Seth's voice was rough from not being used for a long time.

"Oh thank God Seth you are awake!" Leonardo moved swiftly toward Seth's bedside ignoring the lady doctor's presence. "Are you feeling okay?" He went on to ask softly.

Dr. Montgomery cut the small reunion short before Seth even got the chance to respond. "If you don't mind I was the one doing the examination." A clear indication she wanted Dr. Bravucci to back off.

Leonardo knew better, he let the doctor do her job. In a blink of an eye Dr. Montgomery had checked Seth's vitals and also gave him a long ass lecture for removing his own catheter.

"I can go to the bathroom myself." Seth defended his actions. "I don't need a pottie."

"Well, I need urine sample to check if your electrolytes are balanced."

"That can be arranged."

"You can as well give me the sample now. If you can." She gave Seth a 100ml sample container.

As soon as sample collecting was done, the lady doctor advised Seth to rest in bed until further notice then she left. The two men instantly drifted into silence. It was the same kind of awkwardness that happens when two people kissed for the first time and it turns out to be terrible and none of them willing to address the elephant in the room.

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