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"Are you a secret serial killer in your spare time, Mickelson?"

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"Are you a secret serial killer in your spare time, Mickelson?"

Seth's dark hair was sticking all messy over his face emulating someone who got caught up in a brutal storm. He could also feel his own loose black shirt clinging on to his soaked back.

"Why do you say that?" Seth asked Brad in between amused chuckles.

"Man the way you were punching that bag? It was quite frightening if you asked me." A muscle twitched at the corner of Dr. Brad's left eye. "Remind me never to piss you off in this lifetime."

Seth laughed. "Believe it or not, I'm a pacifist by nature." He staggered from the leather punching bag heading toward a mirror not so far away from his prior position. Seth gawked into his reflection with faraway eyes.

People come from a long way don't they?

Snorting, Brad wiped off thick droplets of sweat rolling down his face in a frictionless grace. "Yeah, yeah a pacifist." He paused to breathe from his grueling exercise on the treadmill.

"Since when do you use the hospital gym?"

The question was meant for Brad but just the voice behind it erupted some kind of tingling sensations inside Seth. It was pathetic, really.

"Since I found myself a new working out partner." Brad responded.

Leonardo who had somehow appeared from completely nowhere eyed Brad incredulously. "Okay? But I don't see anyone else in here with you." A frown appeared on the man's face as he performed a quick scan of the place.

For some weird reason Seth's nerves scattered all over the place as he listened to the two men's exchange. How stupid was he to accept Dr. Bravucci's offer to have a drink? Nothing good would come out of it. He felt like his brain was working on excess caffeine, so many thoughts to process at once. Maybe he should just break a run for it? No one would judge him for that.

"Seth is right there you moron."

In the grip of silent panic, Seth's eyes widened. "Uhh...hey, um Dr. Bravucci?" He was stumbling on his words like a pure idiot, very smooth.

"Actually, I was looking for you." Leonardo uttered, his gaze now imprisoned on Seth. "Dr. Stevens told me I'd find you here, are you ready?"

"I really need to take a quick shower though." Seth almost grimaced as he felt sweat trickling down his back. Flinging the soggy shirt off his body, "You don't mind waiting, do you?"

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