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"That's it Mickelson! I'm paying Dr

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"That's it Mickelson! I'm paying Dr. Bravucci a visit." Marianne threatened as she grabbed car keys from the kitchen counter.

"Marianne stop—don't do that." Seth sighed tiredly. "Please."

"I'm sick and tired of seeing you moping around. I want my best friend back! Is that too much to ask for?"

"I'm right here."

"You know exactly what I mean, you're always far away in space and I don't know how to reach you anymore, Seth. I'm getting scared okay?"

"There's nothing to be scared of." Seth responded with an evasive shrug. "You're putting too much thinking into it, you probably need to chill out."

"You haven't performed any surgeries since you came back from Italy and we both know that is so not you." Marianne spoke softly. "Are you even sleeping properly, Seth? I noticed you've been skipping meals too."

Slowly but surely Seth was getting irked with the whole interrogatory questions. He loved his best friend but not when she took it upon herself to be an overbearing mother hen. "What are you? A stalker? For once in your life mind your own damn business!"

Marianne turned to face Seth with eyes filled with nothing but shock. "I understand you might not want to talk about what happened in Italy but I know for sure whatever it is, it has something to do with Dr. Bravucci. I'm going to have a civil chat with him. Hopefully he will be kind enough to fill in the blank spaces."

"He now knows." Seth groaned, cutting off Marianne's threats. "He now knows I was a thief."

Marianne's eyes widened. "You...told him?" She asked tentatively.

Seth shook his head. "I didn't tell him, I wasn't ready yet but Aiden probably has, at least by now."

"Aiden?" Marianne looked lost for a second then she quickly recovered. "The guy you—"

Seth didn't respond but Marianne knew better. "I wish I knew what to say." She muttered whilst staring at her friend. "So, what is Leonardo saying about it?"

"Nothing." Seth replied curtly drawing a scowl from Marianne.

"What do you mean nothing?"

"We haven't talked since the night I left Italy."

"You ran without explaining yourself." It was not a question.

"It was the only logical thing to do."

Marianne scoffed at that. She knew Seth had commitment issues but this was a new record for him. The guy had taken ridiculous and extreme measures just to sabotage his own perfect shot at love.

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