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The steadfast clicking of an office computer and fading aroma of Dunkin' coffee gripped Marianne right at the entrance of the residents' shared office

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The steadfast clicking of an office computer and fading aroma of Dunkin' coffee gripped Marianne right at the entrance of the residents' shared office. With one big sigh she pushed the door wider, feet being dragged recklessly as she paved her way completely inside.

The person behind the clicking sounds of the overworked keyboard narrowed his glistening eyes closer to the screen whilst previewing whatever it was that he was busy typing.

Marianne settled on the office carpet, watching her best friend as he typed continuously with a few lines furrowing on his forehead. The two of them were joined by a scalpel at the hip. Perhaps as the only American students studying Medicine at Oxford they automatically clicked, generating a beautiful platonic friendship which glued them together for years up until this day.

"Have you heard already?" Marianne concocted, playing with the tips of her newly pink highlighted hair. Not anyone in the hospital had ever seen her natural hair color though she claimed to be a natural blonde and Seth thought she was extra like that.

A single brow immediately shot up in anticipation of new sizzling, juicy steak of gossip floating around the hospital. Seth hummed waiting for his best friend to shoot since she was going to blurt it out whether he had heard or not.

"What?" He probed, not even bothering to abandon his  work.

That was enough fuel to make Marianne jolt up from her lazing posture with a grin too devilry for Seth's fondness.

"If I didn't know you better I'd say you finally got a piece of Dr. Brad." He teased.

"You little sh—" Marianne attempted to launch at Seth who had somehow detected the move before she even dived for his throat, giving him enough time to swiftly dodge.

"Ouch...ahh!" She winced once she landed somewhere not so soft on the desk.

Seth's eyes watered as he burst into a deep laugh. "His name is karma!" he managed in between his fits, drawing a scowl out of Marianne.

Both of them failed to hear the door being clicked shut behind them as they were busy exchanging glares and Seth's laughter still hadn't died down.

"Dr. Stevens may you please file these charts for me?" A familiar voice announced with a slight tone of amusement. It was none other than Dr. Brad himself, speak of the devil.

Dr. Brad was a good looking bachelor who enjoyed staying up late at night with friends for a couple of drinks at a local pub. At thirty five, he had accomplished a name for himself as a respectable neurosurgeon who didn't care much about hospital ass and boobs unlike other doctors who couldn't keep it tucked inside their scrubs.

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