Moving In

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After we cuddled for two hours, I eventually felt like I needed a shower and to clean my self up.
"Sergeant." I looked up at him, his eyes shot to down to meet mine perfectly.
"Doll." He said in the same manner
"I'm gonna go shower and get ready for the day. Than we should get start on moving you into my room." I smiled.
"That's sounds great...yeah I feel like I need to shower to." He chuckled.
"Yeah, you smell terrible." I laughed and climbed out of the bed.
"I smell terrible." He said with shock, like what I said wasn't a joke.
"No." I laughed. "Buck I was joking."
"Oh, I got scared for a second." He laughed nervously and shimmed his way up to the front on the bed. I was grabbing my dress and shoes from the other night. He came to the end of the bed with he legs spread, like it was an invitation for me. I bit my lip, I wasn't gonna give him what he wanted, just to be a tease. I bent over to grab my jacket, I looked back and his eyes were locked on me, staring deeply into me. Just to be more of a tease, I slowly rolled my body up and when I turned around, I bit my lip. He looked at me and shifted on the bed, causing me to giggle.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing." I smiled and sighed. He held out his arms and I slowly walked over. I entangled out fingers and stood in between his legs, staring at him. He smiled softly and kissed my hand. I blushed and just smiled.
"Bucky...I love you so much." A tear rolled down my cheek. His eyes looked a little teary as well. He took his hand away from me, I missed his touch immediately. He cupped my face and his thumb wiped away my tear.
"Doll what's wrong?" He looked concerned. I moved my self closer and straddled him. He grabbed my waist and I grabbed behind his neck.
"Bucky, Ive never had anyone love me the way you do. You are the best person in my life and I feel I've become a better person because of you." I smiled. A tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it away.
"Y/N, I'll be honest. I was afraid of starting a relationship with you." He sighed.
"What! Why?"
"I was scared I wasn't going be good enough for you, that I was gonna mess up your life and not give you what you need." He sighed defeated and looked down. I began to cry, This man thought he wasn't gonna be good enough for me. What drugs was he on. I placed my pointer and middle finger underneath his chin and lifted it up, so his blue eyes met my y/e/c.
"James Buchanan Barnes." I smiled. He still had a look of defeat on his face. I wanted to just kiss him, But I knew a kiss would just lead to something and we wouldn't finish this conversation.
"You have been nothing but Kind, Loving, Caring, Humble, Hilarious and a good man to me. You have been the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. You are my dream man, Everything I need you provide. You care for me and never leave my side, even when I tried to kill you." We both laughed softly. "You have never messed up my life, But I feel like I've messed up yours." I sighed. He was about to speak, I just placed my finger over his lips.
"But I'm glad that I did." He looked at me confused. "Because than we would have never grown into the strong ass couple we are now. Every challenge makes us stronger and that's something I'm happy about." I gave a half smile and kissed him. He kissed me back and rubbed along my back. I pulled away and gave a big smile. "I love you Bucky and I couldn't be happier." He was crying so much, tears were staining his face.
"Doll..." He began. But I could tell he had no response to what I just said.
"Bucky. It's okay if you don't have a response yet." I giggled. "I just threw a down a shit ton of information." He nodded and laughed.
"Alright." He smiled. "Thank you for understanding."
"Of course Bucky." We pressed our lips together and he stood up, he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.
"I love you so much Y/N. You have no idea what you do to me." He smiled and kissed me again. We did a little spin and he put me down, His hands still wrapped around my waist.
"Now to show how much I love you. Let's go move in." We both smiled and kissed one more time.
"I can't wait." I smirked. I grabbed his hand and as we were on our to the way door, I stopped in my tracks.
"What's wrong?"
"We should have a plan." I laughed.
"Yeah." He chuckled. "I guess we should."
"Here to make things easy, I will clean out some stuff in my room. While you start packing up your stuff. Than we can get some people to help us move it." I smiled.
"Was that just on the spot." He laughed in disbelief.
"Maybe..." I smirked. I left his room and I walked into mine and flopped down on my bed and I couldn't stop smiling. I closed my door and put hooked up to the speaker system that went threw the whole room. I started cleaning out my drawers to make room for his clothes. They were quite big dressers, My clothes only took up like fifty percent of the space. So Bucky's should fill up the fifty percent perfectly. We both didn't have many clothes, I knew I had more than him. As I was doing that I was singing and dancing.

-Hour later-

I finished cleaning the bathroom, Closet and drawers and any thing else. I was excited to decorate it with stuff we both liked it and make it just like our own home, even though just outside the door, The avengers roamed around and it was chaotic. I took a quick shower and slipped on black tights, a white crop top and a red cardigan. I didn't bother with makeup today, I was to lazy. I walked over to Bucky's room, Steve and Sam were standing by his desk and he was on his chair.
"Hey Soldiers." I grinned and leaned in the doorway. They all turned to me and smiled appeared. Good to know I can just make them smile that easy.
"Hey." Sam said.
"Everything ready?" Bucky asked.
"Ready to go." I smiled.
"Sweet." Steve said. They each picked up a box and brought it over to my bedroom. Sam and Steve left leaving just me and Bucky.
"I am beyond happy we are doing this." He said smiling.
"Same here sergeant." I smirked. He leaned in and we kissed.
"Ah hem." We quickly pulled away and Sam was standing there.
"Every damn time." Sam huffed. I burst out laughing and held my chest.
"I swear it's a curse." He said under his breath. I laughed harder and he let out a little smile of amusement. I flopped down on the bed to catch my breath when I saw Nat enter his room.
"What's going on in here?"
"Me and Bucky are moving in." I smiled as I was still catching my breath.
"Aww that's adorable. I'm happy for you." She smiled and wrapped me in a hug.
"Thank you. Yeah...this is actually really good. I never thought any thing would happen like this to me. I mean I thought I was gonna die like a week ago." I laughed. She chuckled.
"Yeah that was terrifying. Don't do that again." She hit my arm playfully.
"I won't try to get kidnapped and put in a death trap again." I said sarcastically and grinned.
"Good." She huffed playfully. We both started laughing.
"Well I should probably help." I huffed and got up from the bed.
"I'll help to." She smiled. We each picked up a box and walked over to my room. I placed it down and I was about to leave, when I saw Bucky's journal sitting open on top of one of the boxes. It was the page that had everything I said I loved. I looked around and took it to the bed, I sat down and started reading it.

Today as we were cuddling she kissed me and the taste of her lips tasted like cherry. I than asked Nat what her favourite chapstick was and learned that it was cherry and so now I bought some and have an unlimited stash of them for her. So she can never run out.

I started crying and smiling, Having a laugh go along with it. I loved this man so much. This was the most adorable thing I have ever read.
"Doll." I looked up and saw Bucky smiling at me.
"Bucky this is flipping amazing." I smiled and I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a kiss.
"I can taste the cherry." He smiled on the kiss. It's my favourite."
"That's the only one I will from now on." I smirked and kissed him again.
"Everything is ready." Steve said. I wiped away my tears and smiled as I looked over the room.
"We will do the rest." Bucky said. I grabbed his hand and he gently squeezed it.
"Thank you all." I smiled.
"Your very welcome." Sam said. They all left our room. That was a weird thing to say now, But it actually wasn't. I smiled and I walked into the middle of the room and did a little spin. Bucky walked over to me and grabbed my waist and gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him.
"I love you."
"I love you to Buck."

Thank you for being patient with this chapter, I've been busy with the holdings and I felt bad that I didn't post anything.

I hope this chapter was worth the wait and its a little bit longer than what I usually write, so I hope that was okay

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed this chapter❤️

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