I'm Sorry

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I carried Y/N into the compound, bridal style. I brought her to her room, while everyone else went to go get medical attention.

I gently placed her on her bed and kissed her forehead. I than noticed her hand was twitching as if she was waking up. I began to panic, I had no idea if she was still her mind controlled state, she could just sit up and start to attack me.

Her eyes started to flutter open, and since I didn't want her to attack me and the only thing I could think of was climbing on top of her and pinning her arms down. So she wouldn't have a chance to hurt me. She started opening her eyes more and I quickly climbed over her and pinned her arms down. She shot her eyes open and gave me a confused look.

I felt my head regain concussions, I began opening my eyes when I felt a warm and cold feeling on my wrists. I opened my eyes and saw Bucky sitting on top of me. I was very confused, but also turned on...? "Hey?" I smiled

"Hi." He muttered, his cheeks looking flushed.

"What are you doing on top of me?"

"Um...no reason." He got off of me and I let out a little frown. I sat up in my bed and I noticed blood soaking through Bucky's shirt.

"What happened to you?" My eyes were looking at his face, a look of pain.

"It's nothing." He gave a weak smile. I than remembered what happened to me, Some memories were coming back to me.

"Bucky." He looked at me.


"Did I do that to you?"

"No." His voice went higher and he started playing with his fingers, which was a tell he was lying.

"Don't lie to me Buck." I could just tell he looked sad and didn't want to tell me."I did it, didn't I?" I whispered and leaned against the head board.

He swiftly moved to sit beside me, He grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on the top with his thumb.

"I'm okay though, You didn't kill anybody. Everyone is fine. Nat is..."

"WHAT DID I DO TO NAT?" I shot out of my bed and removed my hand from his.

"Y/N Wait." Bucky yelled. I raced out of my room and ran till I bumped into Steve.

"Y/N?" He asked, looking confused.

"Where's Nat?" He didn't answer, He backed away from me a bit. He actually looked scared of me. What did I do to all of them.

"Y/N!" I heard Bucky yell. Steve looked at him and then back to me. I pushed passed him and remembered that Bucky showed me where the medical room was. I took a sharp turn down a hallway, hitting a wall. I ran by a room and saw a woman stitching up Nat's leg. I turned back around and entered the room slowly, catching my breath.

"Nat." I said in relief.

"Y/N your awake." She smiled. I looked down at her leg and the lady looked up at me.

"Could you give us a minute." Nat asked the  woman.

"Of course." She smiled and grabbed her things, and giving me a warm smile before leaving. Nat padded on the bed and I slowly moved next to her, hesitant. I didn't know what I did to her and yet I still felt bad.

I sat down on the bed and she engulfed me a loving hug. I slowly moved my hands around her body and I could feel my eyes getting watery. "I'm sorry for what I did to you."

"Don't be sorry, It wasn't you." She pulled away from the hug and gave me a warm smile.

"Did I throw a knife in your leg?" I asked concerned. She ever so slightly nodded her head. I began to cry and she pulled me into another hug.
"Hey, think of it this way. You didn't aim for my heart or something important." She giggled
I didn't find it that funny but I gave my best fake giggle to make her feel better. She did make a point I usually only aim for hearts and heads. So something in my body must have told me that I knew her.

Bucky and Steve came running into the room.
"Sorry Nat." Bucky gasped trying to catch his breath.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked smiling at his goofiness.

"He was suppose to not tell you what you did, Incase you were still mind controlled." Nat explained.

I nodded my head. "You did a horrible job, babe." I laughed. Nat started laughing. Bucky let out a little chuckle.

"But you do feel fine right?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I feel fine. My head hurts quite a bit though."

"I'll go get you some Advil." Bucky then started rummaging threw the cabinets. I smiled at his cuteness. He was so adorable and seemed like he really cares about me.

"Close your mouth Y/N." Nat hit my arm. I lost my train my thought.

"Shut up." I whispered. Bucky came to me and handed me a cup of water and two Advil.

"Here." He smiled and when he walked away he brushed his hand against my leg. On purpose, Damn he was a tease. I popped the pills in my mouth and drank the water. "I'll take you back to your room." He said coming to my side.

"Thank you." I grabbed his hand, He helped me to my feet. "What about your arm." I asked.

"It will be fine." He walked away from me and grabbed a bandage and wrapped up his arm. "See all better." He smirked. I knew arguing was useless. So I just smiled. We left the room and as we were walking up the stairs. His hand wrapped around my waist. I blushed and smiled.

"What are you doing Buck?"

"Oh nothing Doll." He kissed my forehead and I gave him a huge smile. We got back to my room and he walked into my room with me. I sat down on my bed and he sat beside me.
"Do you want to watch a movie while you rest?" He asked.

"Are you flirting with me Barnes." He smiled and rubbed his stubble on his chin.

"Maybe. Would it be bad if I was?"

"No, I like it." I smiled. "I would love to watch a movie with you, I will even let you pick it." Hs smiled grew.

"Wow, Really. What about Indiana Jones?" He suggested.

"Yeah, I've never seen it." I smiled. He turned on my tv and we cuddled on my bed. I was snugging on his chest while he caressed my arm. I began to doze off and he pulled me in closer.

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