Part 2

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"NO!" I screamed out. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me terrified. "We have to go." I said with my voice trembling. Bucky looked to me absolutely concerned and he grabbed the phone from my hand. His eyes fell as I saw rage fill them, I could see his jaw clench.

"Jet now!" Bucky demanded. Everyone rushed out of the house and I quickly caught Catrina up to speed on why we couldn't take them at the moment. She fully understood and gave me a quick hug and than I met everyone on the jet.

Nat and Clint flew us home. As my heart was racing a mile a minute, my body was in a state of shock I almost didn't know how to breathe. Bucky rubbed my back, comforting me and as much I as I wanted to comfort him. I couldn't bring myself to move.

All I could think about was getting my daughter safe and killing anyone who dared touch her.

When we arrived me and Bucky left the jet in a hurried manner. The compound doors were wide open and we walked in. The whole place was pitch black. With everyone following behind us, I grabbed a knife and held it up in a offensive position. Bucky got his gun in the ready.

"Welcome home Y/N." A very familiar voice said as they walked into the living room.

"Ruby?" I called out. "I thought you were dead." I said in awe. I remember seeing her dead body in the 'not so safe house.'

"Oh yeah...well people can come back from the dead. You and your husband are living proof." She said.

"Yeah, yeah. We're living proof. I don't give a shit...just give me my daughter back and everything will be fine." I offered.

"Well! Well! So it is your daughter. I mean assumed, but I didn't know for sure." She acknowledged. Making me panic even more as I reached for Bucky's hand.

"If you touch her. I will kill you!" Bucky yelled. We continued walking until we came across a horrid sight. There was a single lamp brighten up a small portion of the room.

Tony was strapped to a chair, beaten to a bloody pulp, Banner was lying lifeless on the floor, not he can't be dead. Peter and Thor we're no where to be found.

And in Ruby's hands was Sawyer, fast asleep. Making me sigh in relief for a quick moment. I gripped the knife tighter and I felt someone place there hand on my shoulder. Through the dim light I could see it was Nat.

"Please dont hurt her. I will do anything as long as you don't lay a finger on her or anyone else." I said as I walked forward.

"No Y/N." Bucky said and pulled me back.

"Trust me." I whispered. He nodded his head and let go of me, very hesitantly.

"Boys!" Ruby called out. The lights flicked on and about 60 men with guns appeared all pointing at us.

I slowly walked over to Ruby as she pulled a gun on me and smiled wickedly. "Take the harness off and put the power destabilizer collar on and than we'll talk." She said. I looked back to the group and Bucky mouthed 'no'. But I had to ignore him.

"Alright." I sighed. I took off my harness and handed it a guard standing next to her. He than handed me the collar and I clipped it on around my neck. I could instantly feel my body go cold.

"Now that I did this. Hand my daughter over." I said firmly. She nodded her head and I reached my arms, but instead she walked by me and placed her into Bucky's hands. Taking the gun from him as she did it.

"Now what do you want from me?" I asked annoyed. She placed the gun next to my head and pressed harder, making me gasp.

"On orders of Hydra. They want you dead. So we've been trying to accomplish there request for the past months and now we have the chance to fulfil it." She explained and than I watched as she put her finger on the trigger. And behind my back I signalled Nat with a peace sign.

"Before you kill me. How did you survive?"

"Well that women you killed who you thought was was just some random women with a disguise mask, that shield agents wear." She said.

"How did you get one of those?" I asked as I started smiling on the inside, knowing I was wasting time.

"I have associates in shield, that gets me things." She smirked.

"Well thank you." I said.

"For what?" She asked confused.

"For your corruption." Nat finished saying. I just smirked when I felt a knife being thrown into my hand, courtesy of Nat. We've been practicing her knife throwing skills lately...I'm glad they came in handy.

I sliced through my collar and than Ruby's throat. "No one messes with my family!" I screamed out. "Wanda now!" I yelled. She made a force field around everyone as bullets started flying. I lit my self on fire so I was fine.

I than blasted fire at some of them and they all burned alive. Wanda dropped the force field and Nat, Clint, Steve and Sam all walked out. They all began shooting at anyone they could see. I ran over towards Tony and Bruce. I untied Tony and he slumped in his chair, he was still breathing but unconscious. I than shook Bruce and he let out a little mumble, making me sigh in relief.

Okay now it's time to kill.

I slipped back on my harness as Wanda came over with the force field still on. She now covered Tony and Bruce, Bucky was still holding a now awake Sawyer.

"Wanda will you please watch her." I asked.

"Of course Y/N." She smiled and than Bucky passed her off. He looked at me as I clipped the last buckle and grabbed a knife.

"Let's kill these assholes!" He yelled.

"Agreed!" I smiled and Wanda let some of the force field drop so we could walk through.

Bucky picked up a gun and began shooting alongside Steve. I threw a couple knives all of them hitting their targets in the hearts.

I lit my self on fire and ran into the shooters. I shot fire from my left hand as I threw knives from my right hand. Feeling like an absolute badass bitch.

After while, my team stopped shooting and let me have my fun. I kicked up a gun from the floor and it flew into my hands. I shot a couple of them and than swung the gun into one of their heads and than stabbed him in the side.

I ran at one and through my legs over his head and swung my body into another individual. Knocking them both to the ground. I know that wouldn't kill them, but me being on fire and them touching me would. So they burned alive on the floor, the smell was awful.

"Yes go queen!" Nat yelled. I laughed and pulled a knife out my thigh hostler. I lit it on fire and flicked my wrist with quite a bit for force. It went through one of their bodies and landed in another.

"Damn!" Sam yelled.

I saw one trying to leave and I turned Bucky, moving out of the way. "He's all yours."

He smiled and shot the remaining guy. He fell to the floor with a thud and I returned myself to normal.

"I am so glad I married you." Bucky said as he looked at me with so much fear and love.

Honestly I made Y/N a frickin badass!
Ain't no complaints tho🤣

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