Phone Call

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After I regained some control of my emotions, I stood up and left the room. I ran down the hallway and ran down to the workout room. Steve was going to town on a punching bag and Nat was running on a treadmill.
"Guys, I need your help." I said. They both looked at me, concern in their eyes.
"Buck what's wrong?" Steve asked, walking towards me.
"It's Y/N." I frowned.
"What happened to Y/N, Is she okay?" Nat came to Steve's side.
"I got a phone call for a dude with a nasally voice, He said that he has Y/N and that we won't find her. He wants her to himself. We need to find her." I sighed. This was just like when she got kidnapped by Hydra. I felt like my body almost couldn't take this much sadness anymore.
"Wait? What? She got taken again. Oh you gotta be shitting me." Nat ran off.
"Nat, where are you going?" I yelled.
"I have to get Clint." She sprinted off and ran up the stairs.
"Will find her Buck, Shes pretty damn strong. But we won't stop till we find her." Steve reassured me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"We have to find her or I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself." I sighed. I felt that if something bad was happen to her while she was kidnapped. I don't think I would actually be able to live anymore.

I felt a hand touching my face and moving my chin around. I opened my eyes and I saw Tyler looking at me smirking.
"I miss this." He leaned down and kissed my lips. I turned away and he grabbed my face with more force.
"I don't miss you, Your a disgusting freak." I spat on the ground.
"Keep you mouth shut babe." He slapped my face, a little whimper escaping my lips.
"What do you want Tyler?" I looked at him.
"You darling, I want you. I miss your face. I miss your touch." He came up closer, Till he was in between my legs and looking up at me. He rested his hands on my handcuffed hands and grabbed them. I tried to pull away, but I couldn't from the restraints. I tried to use my powers, but I had a collar on my neck stopping me from using my fire powers.
"Well I don't miss you, You were terrible to me. I can't believe I actually liked you." I gagged in my mouth, he must not have liked that since he grabbed my hair and pulled it back.
"You should really stop talking baby. You know what happens when you disobey." With one hand still gripping my hair, the other one gripped my neck. He began tightening his grip around my neck.
"I...I...I'm sorry." I gasped out. He dropped his hands and I started catching my breath.
"That's a good girl." He kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes and they put a gag back into my mouth.
"I want you to meet someone." Tyler said, He moved off to the side and a Woman came into view. Holy shit, It's RUBY. Just my luck.
"Hello My Dear." Ruby said, she came over to and grabbed a chair. She sat down in front of me. I rolled my eyes and looked at her with a bitch face.
"I thought you would happen to see me." She smiled. I began talking into the gag, she flicked her hand and the gag was taken out, so she could actually hear me.
"No why would I. Seriously why does everyone think I miss them. I hate you all." I stared laughing. I felt a shock into my wrists and I quickly shut up, that hurt quite a bit.
"So if you make me mad, You get shocked. Is that clear." She asked. I nodded my head.
"Good. So let's get started." She whipped out a notebook.
"Started with what?" I tried looking into the notebook.
"No talking please." I was shocked again, stringer this time. I yelped in pain.
"So, I heard your dating someone. Who?"
"Leave him alone." I frowned, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to Bucky.
"That's not the answer I wanted." I got shocked again and arched my back off the metal chair. Tyler was smiling in amusement.
"Let's try again, Who are you dating?"
"Will you kill me?"
"Are you gonna kill me?"
"Only if you don't answer THE QUESTIONS." I got shocked again. The pain run through my body, I screamed in pain. It continued to shock, I knew they weren't going to stop until I answered.
"BUCKY!" I yelled. The shocking stopped and I started coughing.
"Bucky? That's his name?"
"Yes it is, That's his name." I sighed.
"Thank you for finally responding." She smiled. She sat up and left the room.
That was their only question, Why. Know they knew about Bucky. I'm sorry Bucky.

Nat got everyone into a meeting and I told everyone what I heard. Everyone seemed shocked to hear all this information.
"We will try to hack her phone." Tony said. Just as he said that, My phone started ringing. I hesitantly reached for it, the pain of her screaming ran through my brain.
"I got Buck." Steve grabbed my phone and answered it and put in on speaker phone.
"Is this Bucky?" The man asked.
"What do you want?" Steve yelled.
"Is this Bucky?" He asked more stern. I couldn't respond, I felt like I couldn't breath.
"Okay since you won't respond." It was silent until You could her start to scream.
"No! Stop, I'm here, Stop hurting her!" I yelled.
"Good." He laughed. You could her gasping for breath in the background. I grabbed the phone with force from Steve, Nat was starting to cry and everyone either looked pissed or sad. I didn't know what to do with myself.
"Hello than, My Name is Tyler. I have your little girlfriend, Which isn't true. Since she is mine and only loves me." He sounded so serious. Like he actually believed that, or maybe I was the wrong one in this situation.
"I'll give you three days to find her, That's it. If not. I will send her back to the Avengers Compound in A BODY BAG!" He laughed evilly.
"Just to give you motivation you need." You could hear him walking towards something.
"Say hello babe." He said.
"Hi." I heard her weak voice, my heart was falling faster by every second.
"Bucky, I need your help." She whispered.
"There's your motivation. GOOD LUCK!" He hung up the phone. I dropped the phone onto the table in shock.
"What just happened?" Scott asked.
"She's gone. We need to get her back." I sighed and walked out of the room. I got back to my room, I sat down on my bed and started crying.
Not again

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