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Bucky's POV
When we got back I carried Y/N out of the limo and brought her to medical. She had multiple cuts all over her legs. The doctors said that she passed out from loss of air flow and a little bit of blood loss. They said she should walk up in under an hour. I sat in the medical room, holding her hand till she wakes up. Steve walked in and sat next to me on a chair.
"How is she?"
"She's doing good, They say she is gonna wake up in an hour or so." I looked over her and moved hair out of her face, smiling.
"What did they do with Alexander?" I asked
"They Have him in questioning." Steve said
"Okay." I nodded my head. Steve stood up and left the room. I fell asleep next to her.
-hour later-
I woke up to my hand being my squished, I looked over and her eyes fluttered open.
"Hey." She smiled
"Hey Doll. How are you feeling?"
"My head is a little light headed, But I feel fine."
"That's good." I smiled. She began trying to sit up, I stood up and moved her pillow more up, so she would have more comfort.
"Thanks Buck." She smiled.
"What happened with Alexander?" She asked
"He's in questioning, Steve just told me."
"Who's questioning him?"
"I don't know." I chuckled
"I want to have some words with him." She said.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure we can both verbally kick his ass." I said.
"Awww Thanks." She smiled. We both started laughing. Nat walked in.
"Hey Y/N."
"Hey Nat." She smiled
"Just wanted to let you know, Tony is letting you go question him and since he knows you both hate him. Your aloud to yell at him." Nat said laughing.
"Wow, Well Thank you Nat." I said.
"Let's go." Y/N said. I helped her off the bed.
"I want to put on better clothes than a full white outfit." Y/N added.
"Okay." I got her back to her room and walked into the living room. Sam was sitting there with Scott watching baseball.
"Hey Buck." Sam said.
"Hey Sam." I took a seat on the couch.
"How's Y/N?" Scott asked
"She's good, Me and her are gonna interrogate Alexander."
"Lucky, I want to yell at him." Sam said laughing.
"Ya we got it lucky." I chuckled. Y/N walked into the room. She was now in black tights, White and gold shirt with a green jacket. She looked so beautiful, I mean she always looked beautiful. My mind started going off in a different direction.
"Ready to go Buck?" She asked. I lost my thoughts and nodded.
" let's go." I stood up and grabbed her hand.
"Buck What were you thinking?" She smiled. She totally saw my looks.
"Nothing. Just thinking about what to yell." I said, grinning.
"Um...ya sure." She laughed. We got to the interrogation room. Tony was standing by the door.
"Finally what took you guys so long."
"I wanted to change." Y/N said
"Okay fine, I want you to get who his buyer was and how he got his hands on those files. I want to know if he works for Hydra or if he doesn't who he works for." Tony said. We both nodded our heads. Tony walked away.
"You ready?" I asked
"Hell Yeah." She responded smiling.

We walked into the room, Alexander was sitting In a metal chair. His hands cuffed to the chair same with his legs. He was singing to himself.
"What the hell is he doing?" Bucky leaned over to me. I just shrugged. We both took a seat on the other side of the table.
"Am I suppose to be scared of you." He laughed. Neither of us reacted. We both had pissed off looks on our faces. He slumped back into his chair a bit.
"Who do you work for?" I piped up.
"Oh beautiful, It's hard for you to be scary." Bucky lunged forward, I grabbed his arm and yanked him back down. Alexander flinched in his chair.
"Here we can go two different ways. 1 you just answer the questions and all we be good. Or i will use a knife, Hold it to your throat and slowly cut until you speak. Which one are you choosing. Alexander looked mortified, I turned to Bucky he had a look of that was impressive and nodded his head.
"I...I will t...take option 1." He muttered out. Still to scare him me and Bucky both took out knives and held them in our hands. He gave us all the information that we needed. Bucky slammed his hands on the table and stood up.
"Thank you for the information. I'll be right back." Bucky said. I stayed seated, Nat and Wanda walked in.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, standing up to meet them.
"Just wanted to make sure you were ok..." Nat began.
"Wow this a dream a come true, 3 Hot woman and I'm tied to a chair." Alexander piped up And smirked.
"Oh shut up." Nat yelled.
"But why should I, You all have great asses. It's hard not to stare babe."
"Your disgusting." Wanda piped up.
"Your all weak, Females can't be super hero's. Take a compliment." He laughed. I felt my blood boil.
"You are an evil man, Who's disgusting." I said.
"Oh ya, Yet if I'm evil than why are you with The winter solider." He mocked. I whipped out a knife and jumped over the table and held it by his throat.
"You say his name one more time, Your Dead." I said angrily.
"Help me pretty ladies." He yelled at Wanda and Nat.
"Oh my gosh." Nat said. She whipped out a gun and Wanda made her hands glow.
"Call us pretty again, She will put a bullet in your head. We already have the information that we need, so your death won't mean anything to us." He visibly gulped. I held the knife closer to his throat.
"" He squeaked out. I removed the knife and he sighed catching his breath. We all began walking away.
"Okay fine your not pretty, your all ugly." He laughed
"You should have kept your mouth shut." Nat said, I threw a knife so it would Knick his ear, which it did. I walked over to him and punched him in the face. He got knocked out cold.
"Damn." Wanda said, Smiling.
"No one calls us ugly." I wiped away the blood off the knife and walked out of the room. Bucky was standing by the door, The biggest grin ever on his face. I stopped by him, Nat and Wanda Walked by us.
"That was flipping hot." He bit his lip.
"Oh ya." I smirked. I ran my lip through my bottom teeth, He groaned. I placed my hand on his chest and ran it down until the waist line of his pants. Just to tease him.
"Shit." He huffed. I got on tippy toes and kissed his ear.
"Later." I whispered. I kissed his cheek and walked away, he looked stunned and annoyed. But I could also tell he was very turned on.

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