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Y/N ended up falling back asleep. But I wasn't that tired and no offence to her, but hospital beds aren't the most comfortable places to cuddle. But after she is all rested and good, I will cuddle and please her like no tomorrow. She deserves it more than anything and I won't try and disappoint, which I don't think I have.......that might make me sound like a asshole.
Never mind that than.
I slowly pushed her off of me and pulled the blanket up to neck and kissed her forehead, tenderly.
"I love you Y/N." I gave her another kiss, just because. I left the room, smiling. I walked up the stairs and began walking to my room. When Steve ran beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder and shook me slightly, back and forth.
" got something to tell me?" He grinned. I just sighed, still smiling.
"Um no. I don't know what your talking about." I said not jokingly and dead serious. Just to mess with him. His hand left my shoulder and I continued to walk forward. I noticed he didn't follow me and stopped in his tracks. Probably re thinking if he heard me right in the hospital room. I chuckled to my self and entered my room. When I grabbed my door handle, I turned to see Steve. He was still standing in the middle of the hallway, the gears turning in his head at ridiculously fast pace.
I entered my room and burst out laughing. I held my chest from how much I was laughing. After I composed my self after ten minutes, I finally sat down at our desk. I grabbed Y/N's phone and called her aunty to let her know.
"Hi, who is this?" Catrina asked
"This is uh Bucky."
"Oh." She giggled on the other end. "Sorry. Hi Bucky how is it going? How is Y/N?"
"Y/N is awake, she fell back asleep. But I have feeling she will wake up soon. So if you want to come back to the compound, I feel Y/N would appreciate it." I said.
"Oh my gosh. She's awake?" She exclaimed. "Oh, yes, yes. Me and Maddox will be over shortly." I could hear the excitement in her voice and I started smiling like crazy.
"Sounds good. See you soon."
"See you." She hung up the phone quickly and I pushed my self back on my chair and stood up. I quickly used the bathroom and left our bedroom. I walked into the living room, Sam, Clint and Nat were all playing cards.
"Who's winning?" I asked and leaned against Sam's chair.
"I am." Nat said proud and smirking. I hit Sam on the back of the head.
"Your shit." I grinned. He looked at me with a glare and flipped me off.
"The only reason I am not kicking your ass right now Barnes. Is because I don't want you to look beat up for Y/N." Sam said.
"Or is it because you know your gonna lose?" I smirked. He quickly stood up and faced me.
"You know what! Screw it!" He looked at me angrily and I took off running and jumped over the couch.
"GET BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE! Sam yelled. I quickly opened the back doors and ran through the courtyard.
"IM SORRY." I yelled laughing.
"NO YOUR NOT!" He laughed. I looked back and he was still full sprinting towards me. I began to run faster and I took a sharp turn around the compound and ended up at the front. I watched as a car pulled up and I recognized it as Catrinas.
"Oh shit." I huffed. Sam was still running at me. "Sam stop!" I yelled. But he didn't. He ran right into me and tackled me to the grass.
"DUDE!" I groaned. He climbed off of me and I looked up to see Catrina and Maddox looking at us horrified.
"Hi." I said sheepishly. I stood up and dusted myself off. Sam stood up and soon as he saw them, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Oh. Uh hi." He hung his head and began to walk back into the compound. We all watched him walk through the doors. I was so embarrassed at the moment. I could feel my cheeks turning redder, every second.
"Sorry about that."
"It's all good." Catrina smiled fakely. We all stood around awkwardly.
"How about we just get going." Maddox stated.
"Yup great idea."
We walked back into the compound.
"If you could wait here. I will go make sure she is awake." I said. Catrina nodded her head and I walked off. I shuffled over to Nat and tapped her shoulder.
"Can you keep them company until I come back, please." I gave her puppy dog eyes. She just smiled and laughed. She tapped my cheek lightly and stood up.
"Yes. I can do that Barnes."

I woke up to Bruce, putting a needle into my arm.
"Bruce?" I questioned.
"Hi Y/N, How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I feel great. Where's Bucky?"
"He is with your aunt and your brother. They should be coming down shortly."
"Oh okay."
"He just came down, to see if you were awake and we could see you were waking up."
"So you put a needle in me to wake me up?" I cut him off and laughed.
"That sounds worse than it actually is." He said protectively and hesitant. As if he was scared to hurt my feelings.
"It's okay Bruce. I understand." I smiled. I heard him take sigh of relief. The door opened and I watched as Maddox ran into the room.
"Y/N!" His eyes wide and the biggest smile on his face. Tears started to well in my eyes and I held out my arms, he ran into them and I gave him a giant hug.
"I missed you Y/N." he cried. I could feel his tears running down my back.
"I missed you to Maddox." I smiled and kissed his forehead. We continued to hug, when I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Catrina, smiling down at us.
"How are you feeling kid?" She asked.
"I'm actually doing really good." I smiled. Maddox left the hug and I wiped his cheeks with my thumb. He sat onto my bed and hung his legs over the bed. Catrina pulled up a chair and sat on the other side of the bed. I gently grabbed Maddox's arm and pulled him back to me. My hand around his shoulders as he leaned on my upper chest.

We talked for about an hour, until Catrina said that they had a supper they had to go to. We said our goodbyes and they left the room. Bucky crawled up to me on my bed and we shared a loving kiss.
"Bucky I want to leave this room. Can you convince Banner." I whined and gave him puppy dog eyes and pouted my lip.
"Oh my gosh." His cheeks flushed. "You are so damn cute." He smiled and kissed me again. He left the room and returned five minutes later with a bag of clothes in his hand.
"Banner says you can leave whenever you feel like it." Bucky said.
"Really? Yay!" I smiled. I went to get up and Bucky pinned my shoulders down gently.
"He just needs to make sure everything is okay." He laughed. "He will be in here shortly."
Bruce arrived ten minutes later. He finished doing some tests and took out all my needles.
"You are good to go Y/N!" Bruce smiled. I began to sit up and Bucky came to my aid. He lent his hand and I grabbed it. I slowly crept off the bed and placed my feet on the floor, that was such a nice feeling. Finally feeling like I have some ground and purpose again. My legs were still little weak, so I started stumbling around. Bucky helped me get dressed into a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt. I tried to walk forward, but my legs gave out. Bucky caught me around my waist.
"Let me help you." He smirked. His hand swept underneath my legs and picked me up. My head on his chest as I wrapped my arm around his broad shoulders. I grabbed the flowers on the bedside table, them laying on my chest. We left the hospital room and walked up the short flight of stairs to the common room.
Clint, Nat, Sam, Steve, Wanda, Vision and Peter were all sitting in the living room, eating pizza.
"Wow couldn't have included us?" I said sarcastically. They all turned to us.
"Y/N!" Nat exclaimed. She shot up and Bucky gently placed me down. She wrapped me in a bear hug and kissed my forehead. She helped me to the couch and I slowly sat down. My body was still pain from not moving for two weeks. I was still quite sore and stiff.
Wanda moved away from Vision and sat beside me. She wrapped me in a side hug.
"I missed you." She smiled.
"We all did!" Sam yelled.
"Yeah, it's be so quiet and lonely." Clint added.
"Really?" I laughed
"Yup." Steve confirmed.
"Wow! I didn't think I was actually that entertaining." I laughed.
"You are! It's quite scary how quiet it actually got." Sam said. I felt this confidence come over me and I just smiled smuggly. We continued to talk and laugh until Steve asked a question out of the blue.
"Bucky and Y/N." He began. We all turned to Steve and he cleared his throat. I caught a quick glance at Bucky and his eyes filled with fear.
"Steve...." Bucky whispered.
"Okay what is going on?" Nat asked. Bucky looked at my hand and I realized I didn't have my ring on.
"Oh." I laughed. "Nat can you help me up?" I asked. She furrowed her eyebrows and helped me up. I stumbled over to Bucky and he pulled a ring out of his pocket. I slipped it on my finger and Bucky gave me a nod of approval. We walked to the front of the room and I smiled.
"So......Um we're getting married!" I yelled excitedly! I held out my hand to show the ring.
"NO WAY!" Sam yelled. Sam shot up and wrapped me in a hug. Than moving onto Bucky, Wanda ran over to me and hugged me gently.
"I want to see it!" She smiled. I gave her my hand and Nat came to my side as well.
"It's so pretty." Wanda smiled.
"I know! I love it so much!" I smiled. I gave hugs to everyone and they all congratulated us.
We had a few drinks and played some games, until midnight rolled around.
We said our good nights and went out separate ways. Me and Bucky got back to our room. I changed into shorts and a tank top. Bucky slipped on some black sweat pants and we climbed into the big ass bed. We cuddled under the fuzzy blankets.
"I missed this so much." Bucky said as he played with my hair.
"Same here. It was so lonely without you." I sighed.
"But I am so happy that your back and I have an idea for tomorrow." He said. I looked up at him with confused eyes.
"Tomorrow we are going on a mini vacation, just the two of us. For a weekend." Bucky said. His eyes filled love and happiness. I leaned up and placed my lips to his.
"That sounds amazing Sargent." I smiled.
"Well you deserve it Doll. Also this weekend will be a weekend to remember." He whispered in my ear and kissed it lightly. I moaned very quietly and I knew he didn't hear it, since he didn't react.
"Cant wait." I smirked.
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you to Bucky." I gave him one last kiss and snuggled back up to him. Closing my eyes and finally feeling safe and comfortable again, A feeling I really missed.

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