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As I was giving my blood, Banner came in and gave me a worried look.
"Uh, Mr Barnes you know that your blood has super solider serum right. That can hurt her." He looked over her and stared back at me.
"Bruce Don't worry. She has super solider serum to. She will be okay." I smiled. He let out a big sigh and nodded his head. They had to bring Y/N into surgery, so they took the needle out and escorted me out of the room. I sat down on the couch with Sam and Steve.
"I can't believe she's alive." Sam exclaimed
"I know, I don't think my brain has fully accepted it yet." I chuckled.
"How did she survive though, It was a pit filled with spikes?" Steve said
"It's Y/N, She's a badass." I smiled.

3 hours later
Tony came into the room, Smiling.
"Mr Barnes." I looked at him, hopeful
"She's waiting for you." He nodded his head. I shot off the couch and started speed walking down to the medical room. She was sitting up in her bed facing the tv, I could see she was in hospital gown, she had bandages and lots of little scars on her face. Her beauty still radiating off of her, like nothing was different. I leaned in the door way and just looked at her until she noticed me.

When I woke up, I felt really refreshed, Still a little bit sleepy. My head wasn't foggy and I wasn't in that much pain anymore. I looked around and didn't see Bucky, Which was a quite upsetting for me. I still didn't know if Bucky and Steve made it out alive. Tony walked in and smiled at me.
"Good morning Y/N, How are you feeling?" Tony asked.
"Good, I'm still tired though." I giggled. "Where's Bucky?" I added, hoping he would say here. I don't know what I could do with myself if he said he passed away.
"He's upstairs, I'll go get him." He gave a comforting smile. I have never felt so much relief fill my body, I was so happy.
"Thank you Tony." I smiled. He got up and left the room. I looked around and turned on the tv. Brooklyn 99 was playing, I started watching that, waiting for Bucky.
"Ah hem." I turned my face and there was Bucky, standing in the door way smiling.
"Bucky!" I smiled. He quickly wrapped me in a hug and I hugged him back harder. I started crying and I could feel his tears running down my back.
"I'm so happy your alive." He smiled.
"I'm glad your alive to. I thought maybe Tyler killed you." I sighed.
"No, he actually wasn't anywhere in sight. He must have left soon after Steve came."
"Oh, well. Next time I see him. I'm gonna kill him." I said with stern look.
"Can we kill him together?" He asked, grinning.
"Of course. I wouldn't want to leave you out of that." I giggled.
"Sweet." He chuckled. He planted his lips on mine and I kissed him back passionately. I missed the feeling of his warm lips on mine. I let my head lean back onto the bed and he scooted closer to me, his metal hand resting on my stomach, the other one grabbing behind my neck. Both of my hands were around the back of his neck.
"Gosh, I've missed this." He sighed.
"Same here." I smiled. We continued to kiss, his hand traveling father up my body.
"GUYS, WHAT THE HELL?" Sam yelled.
"Sam, Why are you always here?" Bucky yelled and chuckled. I started laughing and covered my mouth with my hand.
"Well I wanted to see Y/N and see if she was okay? But for some reason, you guys were gonna do it, right here." He scoffed.
"Oh Sam." I sighed annoyed. Bucky stood up and kissed me one last time.
"Get some rest, I'll come visit you with some food later." He smiled.
"Thank you sergeant." I blushed. He left the room with Sam, I could hear them arguing playfully. I smiled and closed my eyes, falling asleep.
"Y/N come with me my love." Tyler yelled as he dragged me across the field. "Tyler where are we going?" I giggled, people were chasing us and he couldn't stop smiling. "I'm doing this because I love you, alright?" "Okay" I smiled. He threw me into the back of a car. I didn't know what was happening I turned to look at him and he had a devilish grin.
"Bye." He shut the door and I was left in the dark. "TYLER!" I yelled. The car started to drive off and I fell back hitting the doors. After what felt like forever. The doors opened and I fell onto pavement. I was than being dragged by my shirt and put into a chair. Tyler held my face and kissed me.
"What's going on?" I asked
"This is for you, I'm doing this so we can be together." He smiled. I didn't know what to do, than 3 men walked in and one injected me with serum, while the other held a lighter next to it. So the serum would absorb the flames and give me fire powers. I screamed in agony as the serum flooded my body. Tyler watched and laughed as I cried in pain.
I opened my eyes and I was screaming, Sweat dripping down my forehead and my breath shaky.
"Baby, Baby, calm down. It's me it's Bucky." Bucky said, cupping my face and looking worried.
"Bucky." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped me in a bear hug and my arms were limp.
"Doll, Can you tell me what happened?" He wiped away my tears with his sleeve. He was wearing his favourite black hoodie. I looked at him and I saw behind him on the table was soup and drinks.
"Bucky did you get me Soup?" I smiled, He was such a sweetheart.
"Yeah I did." He smiled. "And when I came in I saw you thrashing around and screaming. I got very concerned and scared for you."
"I was having a nightmare about Tyler and when I got injected with the was scary, Bucky. I don't like those memories." I cried even more.
"It's okay Doll, I'm sorry for all these nightmares and flashbacks your having. I still deal with them not as much as I used to, but can I tell you something?" His eyes innocent and pure.
"Of course." I smiled and sighed.
"Your the reason I don't have nightmares anymore, every night we slept in the same bed together, I never had nightmares and I'm so thankful for you." He looked at me and smiled. "You Y/N, got rid of my nightmares, now I'm hoping I can do the same for you."
My body was full of butterflies, my heart was so happy and my cheeks were as red as roses. This man was the best thing to ever happen to me.
"Awe Bucky. Thank you so much. I can't believe that I helped your nightmares go away and Bucky you have helped me get rid of mine as well. Every time I get them was when I wasn't with you. Thank you." I smiled at that thought.
His eyes started getting teary and I started crying. I kissed him and he kissed me back lovingly.
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you to."
"Let me grab the food for us." He smiled. He got up and walked over to the table. I suddenly felt really cold and I shivered in the bed.
"Are you cold?" Bucky asked.
"No I'm fine." I shivered again. Without hesitation he took off his hoodie and handed it to me.
"Here." He smiled.
"Thank you." I blushed. I slipped on the hoodie and his jaw dropped.
"It looks way better on you than me, Keep it." He smiled and placed the soup in front of me.
"Are you sure? I know you like this hoodie." I felt like it would be rude for me to take something of his, It always just felt wrong of me to accept gifts.
"Yes, Keep it." He laughed.
"Thank you Sergeant." I winked at him and smiled.
"Your very welcome." He chuckled
He sat down on the bed and we started having the soup. Laughing and talking like nothing was wrong, I was happy he wasn't asking me about the nightmare. I wasn't in the mood to talk about anything like that at the moment.

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