December 29th (Snowball V2)

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POV: Sonic

"It's been 17 days, and I'm still trying to get out of here-"

"Please stop."

"Oh my god. If you say please stop ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to PISS MY OWN ASS!"

"Well, I wouldn't be asking you to stop if you would stop talking to yourself Sonic!" Tails shouted as a snowball at my face. I quickly moved out of the way before I notice some boulder-sized ball of snow being hurled by one of Tails' contraptions. "Jeez, buddy, didn't need to go all out," I say as I spin dash the bolder back towards his fort. It hits the side walls but doesn't make a dent in it.

"Tails, what did you use?" I asked. It looked like he used snow, but it didn't budge when I lobbed the snow boulder at it, so I knew it wasn't just snow. "Fine, you got me Sonic."


I look as Tails' fort suddenly started to move onto two legs. It wasn't a fort at all, but a snowball-throwing robot. "Say hello to the Snowball V2." He smirked as it started rapid-firing snowballs at me. I practically gave up my own fort and was basically running throughout our street. "Why 'V2'?" I asked as I run from the endless cascade of snowballs. "I don't know, I just thought it sounds cool." I smile as I suddenly ran into a much larger robot. This one is about 5 times bigger than Tails'.

"And because the originals right here."

"Eggman, do you really want me to ruin your glorified snowball launcher?" I smirk as I get ready to battle as I see Tails' robot creating much larger snowballs as well as what looked like a mini-gun with small pieces of ice shaped into bullets.

"This isn't some "glorified snowball launcher" Sonic. Here, I'll show you." I watch as two missile launchers erupt on the top of the robot, shooting two large icicles toward me. As they crashed down, I felt the earth tremble. I knew what would happen if one of them hit me, but I try not to show fear. For me and especially Tails' sake.

I didn't have any time to ready myself when it started shooting snowballs at me. When one of them did hit me, it stung as I held my arm from the pain. Unlike Tails' robot, these were more or less just ice. "Tails, you know what? I think he needs to warm up a little, don't you think?" I smirk at him as he nods.

I quickly run around Eggman's Icebot, trying to distract it as Tails pressed a button on his bot, which all the snow around it started melting as it started to glow red. Instead of Snow boulders, it was now throwing half-molten rocks at the robot. They left indents in the Icebot. "Not so tough now Egg-Head?" I start to act more and more cocky as the battle progressed until-


I felt a sharp pain as I fell to the ground and blacked out.

"Sonic...Sonic...SONIC!" I hear as I slowly open my eyes and sit up. "W-What happened?" I look around to see that I'm on the couch. Not only that, it seemed that Tails had must've called Shadow over. "You got hit by an icicle from the roof, and you blacked out."

I face-palmed myself knowing that I didn't fall from the battle, but rather from an icicle that fell onto my head from the trembling. I could tell that it hit my head, mostly because when I felt my head, it was already bandaged up.

"Sonic, are you okay?" Shadow asked, looking concerned. "I'm fine babe, it just hurts." We both blushed as I called him "babe."

"Aww, young love..." Tails snickered as he walked out of the room. "I'll leave you two for a bit." He says as he goes into the garage and closed the door behind him.

"So Shadow, when did you get here?" I asked him. I pat the cushion next to me and he sat down. "I got here after about 15 minutes after you passed out. I helped Tails defeat Eggman and we laid you down. Now it's nearly night so I should probably take you to bed."

I begin to frown. "I don't wanna go to bed, at least... not without you..." I say, trying to give him the cutest face I could muster. "Ugh, fine." He picked me up bridal style and carried me into my room, where he laid me down and laid down next to me after.

"Goodnight Shadow."

"Goodnight Sonic, I love you."

"I love you too," I say as I turn and pull him into a hug, where he hugs me back.

Thanks for reading. I really hope you like it. Please vote and feel free to leave a comment. I will have a new story up either tomorrow or something. Anyways, see you on New Year's Eve...

I added the song for the Sonic and Shadow bit. Also I like it and I think it fit that mood.

Oh and the first few lines are from the Sonic Adventure 2 dub by Snapcube...

Written on 12/29/2020

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