December 12th (Titanic Monarch)

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*Play music at top when final boss starts (I will tell when to start)*

POV: Shadow

It was still about 4:30 in the morning, but I still didn't shut my eyes for the night. It's not like I'm tired anyways. I just don't trust Eggman as much as those two, and I don't think he'll wake us up and just let us die to his badniks. I sat on the counter in the bathroom and just waited, until I hear something. I got off the counter and ready a chaos spear. I walk out of the bathroom holding the spear until I was met with the eyes of a certain hedgehog. "Hey Shads, why are you up?" He said sleepily. I smiled. "I could ask the same for you."

"I couldn't sleep very well. I kept waking up every few minutes, so I decided to get a drink. What about you?" he looked at me. "Since you two went to bed, I decided to stay up *yawn* and make sure Eggman doesn't try anything." He looked back at me.

"If you want Shads, I'll watch for a few hours so you can get some sleep." I looked at him surprised. I turned to look in the mirror. Even though I didn't act like it, I still had the look of tiredness in my eyes. "A-Are you sure?" He nodded as he gestured me to go bed. I started walking to the beds. "Night Shads."

"Night Sonic."

POV: Sonic (8:30 A.M.)

"Alright, now begins the next phase...' I hear Eggman say before the room goes pitch black. When it became bright again, all I could say was that we weren't in the room anymore.

Titanic Monarch (Act 1)

"Where are we." The kitsune said as he sat up from the ground. Shadow looked around, knowing that he was right about Eggman's plan. "I think that this is the "Boss Level." Be careful." I stated as they both nodded, not knowing what's about to come. As we started to walk around, I noticed robots that I've never seen before. We all try to be quiet, not to gain their attention but of course, one notices us and charges. Shadow makes quick work of him, not alerting the others in response.

As I walked up, I noticed the way we had to go; up. I notice these yellow bumper-like objects lining the walls parallel to each other. "I guess that's the way we go." I say as I run up, roll into a ball, and hit the yellow bumper. Once I made impact with it, I was flung up and to the other side, hitting another and bouncing off of that. After some more dizzying hits, I had made it to the top. "C'mon Shads, and Tails, you fly up." Tails starting flying his way up to me. "Why does this have to be so humiliating..." Shadow barely made out. "It's not too bad..." I reassured him. He ran and rolled himself into a ball, and made his way up here. I look to see Tails getting very close to the spikes that were hanging from the ceiling. "Tails, watch out!" I shouted, but it was too late. He had hit the spikes and fallen back to the ground. "Ahh, wait... I'm still alright." He smiles and flies back to the top and stands next to me and Shadow. "No its not Tails, now you only have 1 life left." I stated. I was trying my best not to be mean, but if he dies one more time, he will be gone for good. "Sorry I made you worry Sonic." He tells me while pinning his ears down. I rustle his fur and chuckle lightly. "It's alright, just... try to be more careful." He nods back, smiling a little.

"Can we please continue." Shadow said, a little annoyed. "S-Sure." Me and Tails say as we started walking along with Shadow. After a little while more of walking, we came across a giant elevator door. "This must be where we have to go." Tails announced.

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