Witch Blood

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3rd POV
"What do we do now?", Kinsey looked over to Benny.

"I- we need to help them!", Benny fumbled out remaining eye-contact. Kinsey nodded her head, but made no effort to move. She didn't know exactly what he insinuated when he said they had to help. He stood up to think, and she took his spot on his chair.


"Umm, I guess the best thing to do for now is go to the school?"

"Yeah, I can see that.", Kinsey stopped to think. "How are we getting there?"

"Well, grandma's not home so... running?"

"Anything but that, pleaseeee!", Kinsey whined. Not only were her legs still sore from helping with the truck earlier, she was in all articles of clothing that are meant to heat you up.

"We have too!"

"Ok fine, but can I at-least have a shirt instead of a sweatshirt?"

"Yeah,", Benny grabbed one of his blue striped shirts and tossed it over to her. Without thinking much about it, she pulled of the sweatshirt she was wearing and started to pull on his shirt. Benny's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to do. Part of him told him to watch, but a better part of him told him not too out of respect. His eyes looked anywhere from the changing girl in-front of him.

"Ok, ready?", Kinsey looked back at him, and immediately realized what she had done. He was all red and looked beyond uncomfortable. Of course she wasn't upset that he has seen anything, she loved him and couldn't care less about that. She was more upset that she had made him uncomfortable. Immediately she wanted to crawl in a ball, and just go invisible. Benny saw this, and assumed it was his fault and she was upset he had looked.

"Kins, don't be mad! I swear I didn't look!"

"No, that's not why I'm upset!", she waved her hands out. "I'm just sorry that I did that too you Benny. I don't care if you see anything, I trust you with my life! I just don't wanna put you in a situation you're scared or uncomfortable in."

"Oh.", was all Benny could choke out. Kinsey began to rub her sweaty hands on her thighs, he probably doesn't wanna speak to me again. "Well, if that's the case, you're fine. I was just scared that you would be mad at me because you thought I was creeping."

"How could you be creeping if I did it in-front of you?", Kinsey giggled. Benny smiled at the faint noise, and let out a breath of relief.

"We should get going now.", Benny smiled, and offered her his hand.

"I'm so not excited to run to school!", Kinsey sighed getting up.

"Why not? Your girlfriend is probably there.", Benny teased, as he realized she probably was gonna be there. His smiled slowly dropped, along with his heart. He didn't wanna see her flirt with Kins again.

"Oh please! She's not my girlfriend. I think it was just heat of the moment. I think I was just so caught up in the fact that a pretty girl seemed to have interest in me. I mean, I stayed on my feet all day just to see her, and at the end of the day... she was gone.", Kinsey explained as she followed him down the stairs.

"Oh, well, you deserve someone who treats you right. She's not good enough for you anyways.", Benny shrugged as he held the front door open for her.

"Like you?", she smiled at his kind words, stopped before fully stepping out of the house. His breathe caught in his throat, yes me but I didn't expect you to realize!

She looked to her right, stood on her tip-toes and lightly pecked his lips. Benny froze as she pulled away, and started to run towards the school. He lightly traced his fingers over his lips, and smiled. He quickly closed the door behind him, and took off in the same direction.

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