Dead Ed

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Kinsey's POV
Ethan groaned, and we helped him to the bench.

"Take a seat dude.", Benny patted his shoulder.

"You survived a whole round without beaming your spine in half. Nice!", Rory smiled.

"Sorry dude, but for a guy in agony, you make some hilarious faces!", Benny smirked. I shook my head and laughed... he wasn't wrong.

"But your doing great E! Just remember the consequences if you lose....", I tried my best to sound encouraging, but it sounded like I was pleading. Ethan smiled, looking anything but confident.

"Ethan, are you insane?! You don't know what your up against. This guy is unstoppable!", Sara yelled, motioning over to Kurt. I sunk back with a whimper, he can't lose. Benny noticed and grabbed my hand comfortingly. I let my head drop, Sara's words sunk in. She's right, the chances of Ethan winning are slim.

"I guess that's why you like him.", Ethan sighed.
"What? I don't like him.", Sara said confused.

"Come on. I saw you watching him, talking, laughing, knoodling.", Ethan spit at her.

"Mad knoodling!", Benny raises his hand accusingly, dragging my hand up with his. Me and Rory sat back silent, not sure say.

"Noodle what? Look, I thought Erica turned him into a vampire, so I was watching him. I even checked his neck for bite marks- which was kinda hard since he's so ticklish- but I don't I do not like him.", Sara went on and on. It was silent before Ethan spoke up, I'm assuming to the ghost because no one was speaking to him.

"I have to pin him? Impossible."

"Oh, me and Kins can totally hocus-pocus this dude for you! Let's see how well he wrestles with worms in his ears, huh?", Benny offered, squeezing my hand. I smiled, then he for sure win... say goodbye to having kids with Rory!

3rd POV
(The ghost of Couch Ed's dialogue is gonna be in bold)

"No magic. You got to beat him fair and square or the deal's off. And I'm disappointed in you man! You let Haircut have more game than you!", Ed shook his head Ethan. Ethan scoffed, looking back to his friends holding hands.

"No magic, we can't cheat. And, that's just not true!", Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Then think of something. Everybody has a weakness, right? Just find it and exploit it.", Sara looked at Ethan.

"Ya' know, maybe you need a little heart!", Ed smirked standing Ethan up. He pushed his hand into Ethan's chest. Ethan groaned in pain before falling to the ground, doubled over.

"Just please stop. Leave me alone!", Ethan pleaded up to Ed. Kinsey watched him shaking her head.

"Looks like he's practicing new ways to beg for mercy! Smart!", Rory smiled.

"Rory- no...oh god, please let Ethan win.", Kinsey pleaded to no-one.

"It's no use. I can't win. I've never won a fight. Ever.", Ethan whined.

"False. Remember that time in grade two when I took your pokémon lunchbox. You whipped me good. I almost cried.", Benny cringed.

"Oh, yeah! Then I punched Ethan for making you cry, then he started to cry! And then I cried because you guys were crying!", Kinsey laughed. Benny smiled down at her, admiring the way her hair fell back into place after she threw her head back.

"Grade two... that gives me an idea. Thanks Benny!", Ethan turned back running to mat for round two. All the teens watched him confused, what was his idea?

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