Kisses and Kills

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Kinsey's POV
"Come with me,", Jake whispers in my ear. I nodded, it felt like I was in a trance. He grabbed my hand, and started leading me down the hall. I swear I saw Benny, and Ethan outside. I wanted to stop, and say hi but I couldn't. My brain screamed at me too, but my body didn't to my dismay. He stopped in a empty hall, and pushed me against a wall. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed back. A couple second later his lips left mine. I felt him lean my head to the right, and his lips hover over my neck.

"Jake, not now let's go!", Jesse came storming down the hall. Jake pulled away with an angry look on his face. He looked between me and Jesse and sighed exasperatedly.

"This isn't over.", he said before he took off with Jesse. I stood against the wall catching my breath. I smiled, and touched my lips. No guy has really taking a liking in me before. I pushed off the wall, and started back to the main room. I walked over the punch, before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank god, where were you?", Ethan said eyeing you down.

"Hey guys, I just at the bathroom!", I smiled nervously. I don't why but I felt dirty.

"Ok, we need to get out of here while we can!" Benny grabbed arm.

"Oh my god! Rory what happened?", I grabbed Rorys head and titled it. There were marks on his neck.

"I'm fine are you? You're bright red!", Rory moved his hand in circles in front of my face.

"Uh, yeah.", I stepped back.

"Ok let's go now!", Benny grabbed my arm again leading me towards the door.

"No! We can't go without Sara.", Ethan pleaded us with his eyes to let him fine her.

"Ok, do the words 'stay in the car' ring a bell to you? They do with me. A loud one!", Benny moved his hand to exaggerate.

"Wait, you came with Sara?", I looked between them, and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, how does make you feel?", Benny pushed back.

"Not right now! Look there she is!", Ethan pointed to Sara being held in Jesse's grip. Jake looked over and saw us, he waved towards me. I smiled back, and Benny scoffed.

"That's the guy you were with?", Benny gave me the side eye.

"Uh yeah, wait how did you know that?", I looked over to Rory who shrugged.

"C'mon let's see what their doing.", Ethan lead us upstairs to spy on the kids.

"Ugh why are we doing this again, what's wrong with them! They seem decent.", I whisper shout. Benny shushes me.

"This is Lame! Where's the band!", Rory says. I stopped listening to the drama club after they said souls. Obviously they were rehearsing for some play or something. Why are we even up here!

"Ok guys seriously, what is going on!", Benny covered my mouth with his hand.

"The Rorster needs more food!", Benny covered Rory's mouth too.

"We have to leave... fast!", Ethan nodded worriedly. Benny grabbed me and Rory's arms and dragged up down the stairs. Ethan tried to open the front door.

"It's locked.", we turned to find another exit when we were stopped.

"Where you girls going? You're just on time for dinner", some guys asked smiling.

"Uh, home?", I said confused as to why he would stop us.

"Sweet what's on the menu?", Rory smiled. Benny face palmed, and the drama kids smiled. That's when I realized they all had fangs. This has to be dusk prank.

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