Evil Benny

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Kinsey's POV
Two more periods passed and nothing interesting happened since then, besides Benny complaining we had to learn in school. It was now lunch, and I had invited Neville to come sit with us. Now Benny, Ethan Neville and I are all sitting around a lunch table unpacking our food. Benny and Ethan sat across from me and Neville. I could hear someone behind make contact with something and a loud ow. I turned around just in time to see Rory rub the side of his head.

"Haha! Yes! Now that was a three-pointer! Who else wants some of this!" Hannah screamed standing up from her table.

"What the hell is her problem!", I grumbled and turned back around.

"I don't know, but Ethan you better say yes if she asks you out.", Benny cringed. I looked over to Neville to see him wide-eyed, clearly scared of the girl.

"Oh, she saw us. What do we do?", Ethan whispered frantically. I rolled my eyes and turned around to see her already staring back.

"Just act natural.", Benny nodded. Neville stopped picking at his food, and prepared himself from the girl marching over.

"Well, I'm naturally anxious so that won't help me!", Neville nervously glanced at us all.

"Aw, are the kids still crying because they can't be Superman in the yearbook?", she mocked, standing at the edge of the table.

"Superman? Please. He's a bit too... retro. A little too... old-school.", Benny smirked as if it were embarrassing that she could conjure up such a thought. She looked unamused, and proceeded to lift his try up and dump all the food on the tray onto Benny.

"What is your issue? Are you that hormonally fucked up right now, or just insane?", I glared at her. Neville, being in-between us, shifted uncomfortably and swallowed hard.

"Aww, having your girlfriend defend you because she's the man in the relationship? Pathetic.", she snapped back. She turned her head to Neville who's eyes seemed to be glued to the table. "Oh look, it's the kid who's in every club, but doesn't contribute to anything and doesn't have enough people to keep a club going."

"Oh look it's the girl who's so insecure she picks on random people to boost her ego.", I smiled innocently.

"It's the girl who's only personality trait is being a geek. Those glasses don't look good either, you should take them off. You'd look better without them."

"Trust me, you'd look better if I took them off too.", I smirked at her. Neville seemed to hide his laugh with a cough, while Benny didn't hide his at all. Hannah huffed and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I don't care how much of a crush she has on you Ethan, she just made Benny's list.", Benny looked over in the direction she stormed off in.

"Yeah, honestly. She's not worth it E.", I nodded at Ethan.

"She's scary...", Neville looked up wide-eyed. I held in my the laugh I wanted to let out due to his flustered state.

3rd POV
Kinsey and Benny were sneaking into the school's dark-room. Benny claimed that he wanted revenge on Hannah for her words, and how she declined their idea. He begged his three friends to skip a few minutes of class to go with him, and they all declined except Kinsey. She had a blank late pass in her bag that she could easily forge but still, Neville and Ethan didn't want take the chance.

"Dark-room? More like red-room!", Benny laughed as he walked into the red lit room. Kinsey rolled her eyes as his poor joke, but still let a small laugh leave her mouth. Benny took that as a win, and smiled to himself.

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