Demon Critters

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3rd POV
"Frist we brew enough anti-potion, to douse all those demon critters you created.", Evelyn mixed a potion in a pot, explaining the steps aloud. Kinsey had a notebook out taking notes, she knew she was a witch now, and wanted to improve her magic.

"All I did was spill a couple of drops where the dog was buried!", Benny sighed, looking up at Evelyn. Evelyn shook her head.

"A few drops is far to much!", Evelyn scolded. Benny frowned look away from his grandma and around the room, meeting Kinsey's eyes. She noticed the disappointment on his face, for his failed plan. She smiled at him, and mouthed it's gonna be fine. He lightly smirked looking down, to his feet. Evelyn took notice of the teens interaction and shook her head knowingly.

"But why are they so evil?", Ethan leaned over the table looking into the pot.

"You dim-wits reanimated the bodies, but the souls had moved on. And a body with no soul is a demons playground."

"Ooh, can I quote you on that!", Kinsey looked to Evelyn, fascinated by her words. Evelyn smiled and nodded, liking the praise for her work.

"Even if this brew works, how are we gonna track down the undead critters?", Ethan stared at the numerous amounts of potions along the shelves. Kinsey looked up from her notebook, curious to hear the answer. Benny stared at Kinsey's features, not paying much attention to the world around him. Kinsey was to focused to even notice his gaze. Kinsey was really interested in learning more, but he was more interested in her.

"Right.", Evelyn leaned over, unwrapping a wooden flute and holding it up to show the kids.

"Just a flute?", Kinsey's head tilted in confusion.

"No dear, anything but just a flute! Once the demons hear this enchanted flute, they'll come running, but you better be ready!", at the word demons Benny's head perked up. His face lit up with excitement, he almost felt like he was in a video game, and this was his quest.

"Don't worry, Grandma. I will not fail you!", he took the flute in his hand, and stood up. He felt empowered by his own words and imagination.

"Not you, Einstein. I need you here to help me with this brew. Ethan or Kinsey can do it. Start at the site of the spill, and then work your way back here.", Benny sighed sinking back into his seat.

"Wait- tonight's my Dad's dinner with his new client. My Mom will kill me if I miss it.", Ethan sighed. All eyes turned to Kinsey, expecting her to swoop in and take the job.

"Ugh, I'm really sorry guys but I cant. I promised Ethan's mom and Sara that I would help cater tonight.", Kinsey apologized.

"Well if they can't do it, and I cant do it, then who's gonna play the stupid magic flute?"

"What's your little blonde friend up to?"

"She's right, this sounds like a job for..." Ethan looked to Benny and Kinsey signaling them to jump in with him.

"Vampire Ninja!"


Ethan and Benny looked to Kinsey, annoyed for ruining there synchronization. She looked back, confused as to what they just said.

Kinsey's POV
"Sara! Kinsey! You guys ready for tonight?", Ethan walked up to us, buttoning his shirt. His eyes were shamelessly looking at Sara's waiter outfit. I shook my head and scrunched my nose up, second hand embarrassment.

-Ding- Dong-

"Oh great their here!", Sara turned to make sure all the dishes were perfect.

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