Vampire Party

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Benny's POV
"Look guess like we both lost our women to the drama club." Ethan pointed to our left. Kinsey and Rory were talking to a member of the drama club. He was leaned in and kissed her hand.

Who the hell does this guy think he is?

"What the hell? Why are they talking to him?" I asked crossing my hands.

"I don't know man, but my moms here we gotta go!" Ethan grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards the car. I kept my eyes on Kinsey just incase he tried anything. Once we got into the car he left Kinsey and Rory, I made a mental to ask Rory about it later.

Kinsey's POV
"I can't believe you have a boyfriend!" Rory gawked.

"Woah! He not my boyfriend, we just met him. He's just a boy that asked us to go to his party or whatever."

Rory sighed with relief, "I was about to say, Benny gonna be pretty mad,". I gave him a confused look.

"Why would he be mad?"

"I-I don't know, who said that! Look we're here let's go-" Rory grabbed my arm, and started run to my door.

"Ok?" I scrunched my eyebrows, and let him pull me towards the door.

Once me and Rory got situated on my bed, I looked at Rory.

"Ok.. so which class do you wanna start with?"

"Lunch!" Rory smiled, causes me to smile at his answer. Everyone thought Rorys was dumb, and there was nothing more to him. Of course there's moments where he's not so smart, and people just though those moments were annoying but I couldn't disagree more. I thought they were innocent and cute. Not in a way lovers would call each-other, more like a puppy or baby is. He's just so pure.

"You know what, sure. C'mon I'll make you a grilled cheese." I took off downstairs to my kitchen. 

"Yes!" Rory chased after me.

"So do you think we should change for the party?" I ask grabbing two pieces of bread.

"Well I'm not, but you should.." Rory shrugged.

"What why me?" I asked turning to face him.

"Babes always dress up for parties, and this is the first one we've ever gotten invited to!" Rory said as if it was obvious. I guess he's right, plus it can't hurt to try a little harder. Me and Rory chatted about video games until I had finished making his grilled cheese.

"Here," I handed the sandwich to him, "I'm gonna go upstairs and get ready for the party, and text Jake to see when it starts." I told Rory than ran to go get dressed.

I slipped on a black dress with some sneakerss. I was a little worried because I don't normally wear dresses or go to parties. I put on some light powder, and winged eyeliner. I never wore makeup either, but I loved eyeliner.


"Party starts at 6 see you there" the message read. I smiled and added his contact to my phone, "Jake". It was currently 5, but me and Rory had no vehicle so I decided we should probably head out. He's place was around a 45 minute walk.

I checked my phone and saw he texted me the address. I looked in the mirror before running down the stairs.

"Rory let's start walking!" I yelled to the kitchen grasping the door handle.

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