The Ethanator

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3rd POV
(The ghost of Couch Ed's dialogue is gonna be in bold)

Tonight was the big fight. Everyone had gathered to watch... well most gathered because they heard the competitors.

Ethan vs. Kurt.

Most gathered anticipating Ethan to get the beat down of his life, and they didn't want to miss the show. Kinsey, Benny and Sara sat closest to the wrestling mat, on a bench just 10 feet away. Rory, and Ethan were outside of the room, awaiting his grand entrance they all had worked so hard on, minus Sara.

"In the spirit of non-competition, I pledge to be a non-partisan referee for tonight's match. So, uh....", Mr.G took a second to glance at Kurt, "well, may every man win, or, uh... at least survive. Representing Conway Collegiate, we have Kurt The Hurt Lochner!"

The crowd roared, and clapped as Kurt stepped forward embracing his praise. "Yeah! Conway! Woo!", He yelled lifting his hands into the air. Kinsey huffed out a breathe of annoyance.

"Okay, all right, and representing White Chapel High, we-", Mr.G couldn't finish his sentence because the mic had been snatched from his grip. Kinsey and Benny stood there preparing themselves for the introduction speech, that had worked oh so hard on. Benny held the mic down to Kinsey's level so she could speak into the mic to, leaving him slightly hunched over so he was near the mic as well.

(To make this speech easy just for this section Kinsey's lines will be written in italic, because they will be taking turns on the mic!)

Benny began the speech,"From a land of fears and nightmares."

"A place where no man would ever wonder too!"

"Comes a warrior born to destroy."

"One who doesn't own an ounce of empathy in him."

"He speaks only violence, he knows only hatred."

"He can smell fear from miles away."

"His headlock is a crime against humanity!"

"Prepare yourself for..."

"The Ethanatorrrr!", and "The Ethanatorrrr!" Both of them screamed dragging out the r. They motioned towards the entrance, and there he was, The Ethanator.

Rory came escorting Ethan, holding two sparkles in the air. Ethan came jogging behind. Saying he was nervous was an understatement, and the constant booing from the crowd didn't help.

Benny tapped Ethan's should and nodded encouragingly before running to the bench. Kinsey huffed him slightly, and whispered, "You got this, dont even worry." before jogging over to the bench too.

Kinsey's POV
I sat next to Benny on the bench, and bit my lip. A lot was at stake here. Ethan's health, his sanity, and oh not to mention... everyone's future!

"Hey, he's got this... don't worry.", Benny placed his hand on my knee, pushing it down to stop it from bouncing.

"But, Benny what if-"

"Nope! No what-ifs he is gonna win. C'mere.", He said pulling me closer to him, letting his arm rest over my body. I leaned into him, breaking my state at Ethan to look up to him.

"Thanks Benny, I just-", I took a second to glance to Rory beside Benny, whispering the last part,"I love him to death, but I don't wanna have Rory's kids.". Benny sat up straight, obviously uncomfortable with the subject.

"Yeah, I don't want you to have his kids either...", Benny huffed leaning back, bring me with him because of his arm placement.

"Guys! Look! He's gonna say the catchphrase!", Rory pointed excitedly to Ethan. Me and Benny stopped talking, and started paying attention.

"Prepare to be Ethanized!", Ethan grumbled. Kurt then picked up an apple, out of thin air? Anyway, he started crushing it... with his bare hand. Juice spewed from the apple, dripping down his arm.

"You're not gonna like these apples.", He spit out, throwing the now crushed apple at Ethan. Ethan flinched, and looked back at us.

"Even his catchphrase is better!", Ethan whined. Benny took held up his thumbs, one still around my shoulders.

"I told you we should've came up with a better one!", I whispered. Suddenly Ethan was whipped around. He stared into the air, and almost looked threatened.

"What's he doing- Oh, that ghost dude!", I whispered finally getting it.

"What do you think he's saying?", Rory leaned forward looking at Benny and me.

"Probably something along the lines of 'Win or else Kinsey's gonna have kids with that loser!' but what do I know!", Benny spit at Rory, and turned away. He almost looked butt-hurt. I was about to ask why when a whistle filled my ears. I snapped back to Ethan, completely forgetting all the questions I had.

I covered my mouth as Ethan was flung over Kurts shoulder, hitting the ground...hard. Kurt turned to the crowd, letting out a victory yell and turned to us. His eyes landed on me, and winked. Benny scoffed and placed his hand that was on my shoulder over my eyes. "Benny, take your hand off my eyes!"

"What? No. Every girl ends up falling for him, no way am I letting you!"

"Benny you big goof! He's utterly repulsive! How am I supposed to roll my eyes at him if he can't see!"

"Oh, ok.", Benny removed his hand, and smiled ahead, like he was proud I don't like Kurt.

"Ah, this won't end well.", Rory shook his head. Benny removed his arm from my shoulder, and pulled out a camera. I shook my head at his antics, and turned back to Ethan just to see him being pinned down. After 20 minutes of Ethan being destroyed by Kurt, it was intermission. Kurt dropped Ethan off to us, literally. He carried Ethan here bridal style, and just dropped him onto the floor.

"He's your friend. See you in round two, dork.", He spit at Ethan on the floor,"Oh hey, I saw you watching before, you want an autograph, Pretty Lady." Kurt looked at me, acting like he didn't just beat my friend up. I felt Benny tense next to me.

"Umm, no."

"Oh c'mon, let's ditch these dorks."

"Jesus, the fact that I said no and you keep trying. God, it's just soooo unattractive to be so full of yourself that you can't believe a girl doesn't want your autograph.", I smiled up at him.

"Bitch, you're not my type anyway."

"Yep, and that's why you called me Pretty Lady.", Kurt grimaced, and turned around. I let out a breathe of air I hadn't realized I had been holding.

"That. Was. Awesome!", Benny gushed looking at me. I chuckled lightly.

"Thanks, anyways let's get Ethan up."

I'm sorry for the kinda short chapter, and not updating all weekend. I've been sooo busy! I will be updating tomorrow! Thank you for reading!

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