Rabid Animal Attacks

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Kinsey's POV
I stormed into my house, and slammed the door. "What happened honey?",My mom turned to corner looking at me concerned.

"Just some stupid girl Ma, don't worry about it.", I smile lightly at her. I ran up the stairs, collapsed on my bed, and screamed into my pillow. This is ridiculous! He knows she's so rude to me! Why would he go for her? It's almost like he's purposefully trying to get me mad!


I searched into my back pocket and pulled out my phone.

Benny is on his way to get the dog! He has a potion! What do we do?

Rory says hi.

tell Rory I said hi

and I don't know

im done trying to stop him! 

if he wants to do it fine he'll be the one facing the consequences.

Fine, I'll just go with Rory!

I roll my eyes, and turn off my phone. Why is he trying, we already warned him! I'm not going force him to stop, that's his choice! I'm done thinking about this!

3rd POV
Benny was flung around the hallway, while holding onto a box.

"I can't believe you resurrected the dog, and stuffed it in a box!", Kinsey scolded Benny.
"And I cant believe you helped him! Why would you help him with this? I thought you were on my side here!", Kinsey turned to Ethan. Ethan shrugged and gave her an apologetic look.

"Yeah, man this feels wrong. That isn't just undead, he's evil! He tried to eat my hand this morning!", Ethan rubbed his hand, thanking god it was still attached to his body.

"Oh. My. God. If this has anything to do with that raccoon that attacked my ankle this morning, I'm gonna kill you both!"

"It definitely doesn't, and didn't you feed him?", Benny struggled to hold the box, containing the dog, still.

"No. Sorry, I didn't have any Dead Dog Chow lying around!", Ethan retaliated, throwing his hand up.

"There's Della! When she sees Puffles, she will be all over me! Wish me luck.", Benny scanned Kinsey's face, looking for any emotion. She noticed and shook her quickly head at him, confused. Benny cleared his throat, and took off towards Della.

"Just tell me: What did the three stooges do this time?", Sara walked up to Kinsey and Ethan clearly annoyed.

"Do not group me in with them! I tried to stop them!", Kinsey scoffed.

"What? We're not up too anything! What are you talking about?", Ethan gave Kinsey a look, saying don't you dare tell her.

"Oh, I'm not saving your ass now, your chose your side! They used magic to resurrect a dead animal, for Della!", Kinsey spit out, saying Della's like it left a bad taste in her mouth.

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