David the Destroyer

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Kinsey's POV
I walked around the halls, hair swoop behind me because of how fast I was walking. I was looking for my boys, and given the current supernatural events, I'm beyond worried. I whipped around the corner, and stopped short. Thank god. Ethan and Benny were ok. Well... alive. There heads were tucked in some guys armpits. Now normally I would laugh it off, this is normal behavior... jocks pick on nerds. But this guy just caused me so much worry. I huffed and marched over with my head held high.

"Who do you think you are? I mean... ugh I've been looking for them all over! And I've been worrying because of you! Drop them, now.", I glared up into the boy before me. He was tall, much taller than me, and extremely hairy. Hair poked out of his shirt collar, and grew all around his face. I swear I even saw some on his forehead.

"Uh, yes ma'am.", He looked down to me, almost nervous.

"I can breathe!", Benny threw his head back and panted.

"All right, listen up, geeks and girl. From now on, we're best buds. Got it?", He looked at us intimidatingly. The boys practically quiver next to me not fully registering what he said because of their adrenaline.

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we got it.", Ethan nervously spat out before taking a second to think. "Wait. What?"

"Yeah! Awesome. Best buds forever. Yeah, totally cool. Headlocks are like jock hugs.", Benny smiled, excited that a jock had interest in him. The jock, happy with the boys answer, turned to me waiting for mine. I rolled my eyes and shifted. The boys looked at me, pleading with their eyes for me to just comply.

"Who even are you?", I titled my head.

"Names David, but you know you can call me...anytime.", I scoffed and crinkled up my face. "Well anyways, see you around Bro 1 and Bro 2!", David stepped up and punched Benny and Ethan on the shoulder, typical jock move.

"That... was awesome! Well, besides when he tried to hit on you, but woah!", Benny bit his lip, trying hard to hold back his smile but failing.

"Which part? The love tap, or the part where I could taste his deodorant?", Ethan whined.

"Hmm... glide stick. Extreme glacier ice. Two thousand... nine.", Benny said sarcastically. I light punched his arm.

"Gross...", I mumbled.

"I mean the part where we're friends with David Stachowski. Our street cred just went through the roof!", Benny gushed.

"Why would a guy like him want to friend up with us?"

"Ethan, don't look idiot jock in the mouth. In fact, don't make eye contact at all.", Benny scolded before trying to a girl walking by, "Hey, wanna go out? I've got the David Stachowski seal of approval!"

"Drop dead.", She responded, sending him a glare.

"Oh my! She so cared!", I rolled my eyes at him.

"See she spoke to me! That never happened pre-headlock!"

"There's something about that guy...", Ethan trailed off, staring him down. I stepped back slightly, as I watched him growl at some kid.

"I know right? What's his deal, he's acting like a total dog.", I scowled.

"Ok, you two are just crazy! He's huge and popular and awesome!", Benny gawked, and went to scratch his head. I furrowed my eyebrows as he pulled something out of it.

"What is that?", I stood up on my toes to see better.

"Is... is that a flea? Tell me I don't have fleas.", Benny stared down.

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