Spell Master

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Kinsey's POV
Benny, Ethan, Sara, and I started to train for later. Benny and Ethan struggled to pull wood of a fence for use as stakes. I got mine off but fell onto my butt when I did, it was really hard to get off. They all looked me and started laughing. I playfully kicked Benny's shin, because he was the closest to me.

"You two shut it! You couldn't even take one off!", I teased Ethan and Benny.

"She has a point.", Sara easily tore two spikes of the fence handing it to them.

We continued to run around this track that Ethan built to prepare us. He tripped on a hay barrel, and we broke out laughing.

"Laugh at me for falling on my ass again!", I held my stomach in laughter.

"Alright pal, up! Try that again, and less failure this time!", Benny smiled at Ethan on the ground. Ethan got up and complete it, slashing the fake vampire at the end of the course.

"Benny your up.", Sara gestured towards the track, since she was already half vampire and had super strength, we decided she didn't need to run the course.

"Hey Kins' this one is for you!", Benny winked towards me. I gave him a thumbs up, and blushed slightly. To my surprise Benny completed the whole course in one shot, flawlessly. I clapped, and raised an eyebrow.

"My turn, and this is for you Sara.", I mocked Benny, following his exact moves. I finished the first course flawlessly just like Benny. Benny rolled his eyes at my cockiness.

"Ok now aiming, these will be filled with holy water so aim it at the vampire.", Sara gestured towards the makeshift vampire.

"Easy I used to beat these two idiots at nerf war everyday, still can!", I narrowed my eyes at the boys. I'm really competitive, like it's unhealthy.

"Ok that is so bull crap!", Ethan complained.
I picked up the gun, and aimed it at the target. I pulled the trigger releasing the water, hitting it straight in the forehead.

"Ok, what were you saying about me not kicking ass?", I threw the gun towards Ethan.

"Oh yeah, how about this?" Ethan and missing the target completely.

"Thanks for proving my point babe!", I blew Ethan a kiss. Benny, and Ethan rolled their eyes and shot at the target again, this time hitting it in the chest. After another hour of practicing, it was time to go. The screening was at 6 and it was 5, so we went to own houses to gear up until 6.

We all walked up Jane as she eating cereal.
"Hey Jane, we'll be back soon ok?", Ethan said.

"If we don't get sucked dry!", Benny sighed. My eyes widened and I looked at him. My eyes glanced between Jane and Benny. Did she even get what he just said?

"WHAT!", Jane shouted spitting some of cereal out. My eyes widened at the fact that she knew what he said.

"Nothing! Benny's just hoping he doesn't cry during the movie, because he's a wuss!", Sara covered us.

"Nice-anyway uh, see you grandma!", Benny shouted.

"Wait, I have something for you three!", She placed her bag on the table and began rummaging through it.

"Uh, no grandma we really gotta go, I already ate don't really think we need any- decorative knives?", Benny stopped his tangent and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Woah, grandma those are so pretty! Where did you get them?", I admired them. I know it's a little strange, but Benny's grandma was always there growing up. I was really close with her, so I call her grandma sometimes out of habit.

"If your gonna be battling the blood suckers, your gonna need these.", She held out a set of knives.

"Woah-", Ethan gawked.

"Woah- that's so cool!", I took ahold of one of the knives and put my gently against to blade to see how sharp it was.

"What are you doing?", Benny took the knife from me protectively, trying to prevent me from getting cut.

"Where did you get these Mrs.Weir?", Sara raised an eyebrow.

"Spend almost a century in this town, and you pick up a few things. Oh! And this, now I bookmarked a few spells for you two but be careful! They don't always do what you want them to when you haven't practiced. Now I only have one so you'll have to share.", Evelyn handed Benny a book. Benny opened the book and scanned it. I stood on my toes, and scanned the pages. Most of it was in latin, this blows.

"Are you a witch?", everyone diverted their attention to Jane.

"Oh goodness no! Not a witch honey, I'm an Earth Priestess, very different and much more fun!", Evelyn waves her hand and made Janes drawing jump up from the page, and start dancing.

"Oh my goodness!", I jumped up and down grabbing Benny's arm. I smiled wide and looked at the paper. How was she never told us!

"Benny's-grandma-rocks!", Jane screeched.

"So you're- eh?", Benny struggles to get words out. I patted his shoulder.

"I didn't to tell you before you were ready! I thought it might freak you out, but there's reason that you drawn to the unexplained. You have the makings of a first-rate spell master! Ethan here, he's a seer that's his path. And Kinsey here is a witch!", Evelyn looked relieved to get it off her chest.

"Oh. My. God. I'm like Sabrina!" I smile and bite my lip.

"I'm the spell master!", Benny nods his head clearly taking pride in his title.

"Wait what? A seer?", Ethan pressed Evelyn.

"Well, you get visions don't you? There supposed to start around puberty.", Evelyn almost looked concerned.

"Ughhhh, grandma!", Benny groaned. Sara and I shared small chuckle.

"Oh fine here, take my keys and remember evil is always at a disadvantage the earth is good. You are fighting on the right side!", Evelyn smiled at us.

"All right shall we?", Benny linked his arm with mine and headed for the door.

"And if you scratch my car, I'll turn you into a toad!", Evelyn pointed a finger towards us. I nervously chuckled and scrap the back of my neck.

"I am so not driving!", I mumbled to the group as we walked out of the door.

Ethan spoke to Sara about Jesse and the cubile nimbus. I blocked him out, as me and Benny continued to scan the book Ethel gave us.

"Can't believe my first kiss was with him!", Sara whined snapping me back into the conversation.

"He was your first kiss?! But your seventeen, I mean so pretty, I mean!", Ethan word vomited shocked. Benny laughed at how flustered Ethan was just from having a conversation with Sara. I squeezed the back of his neck to shut him up.

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted my first kiss to be memorable.", Sara sighed sounding defeated. My heart broke for her, it must be hard for her right now. The guy she loved basically killed her, and now is trying to kill 200 people. Plus he did the same to her best friend, Erica. Poor thing.

"Mission accomplished huh?", Ethan tried to joke. I sucked air between my teeth at him. I shook my head looking back to the book.

"Grandma failed to mention that this book isn't even in English!", Benny complained.

"Oh shush, lemme see.", I pulled out my phone and opened google. I handed it to Benny, he smiled up at me taking it. I say back in my seat and looked out the window, mentally preparing myself for what's to come. Hopefully we would all be ok after this, and just maybe I could get a glance at Dusk 3 tonight.

Ahhh i'm back! I will definitely be updating more! Hope you enjoyed, and as always thanks for reading!

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