Movie Theater Madness

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Kinsey's POV
We pulled outside the theater and I took the sight in. The line was out the door, the sidewalk filled to the brim with chatting teens. The lights on the big sign flickered, and the sign read Dusk 3. A smile grew on my face as leaned against the window. I know it's kinda stupid, but the fact that my boys are gonna be with me in the theater made me happy. Of course I know that we aren't gonna do much watching, but we're still here together. I turn to Benny with a grin on my face and take my bottom lip into my mouth to stop me from squealing. He left out a puff of air glancing at the sign through my window.

"This is it. Erica and I waited a whole year for this advanced breeding.", Sara stared ahead into the theater.

"Ugh, I'm so excited! Finally it's out!", I smile towards Sara to lighten the mood.

"You both are so lame!", Benny shook his head.

"If were so lame, why do we have a better chance at beating those blood suckers than you and Ethan combined?", I turned to Benny smirking.

"Yeah Benny, just read you magic book dork!", Sara said smiling at me after.

"Bouncer looks like one of em'.", Ethan stole a glance at Sara before fixating on the bouncer ahead.

"Yeah, that and this line is gonna take 4 hours to wait through-wait! Maybe there's a spell in there for that!", I lean over Benny, practically on top of him, and start flipping through the book.

"I- uh, I can find it! Not that you can't, you're that really smart, but uh ya know! There's not much room back here... it's hot, anyone else hot?", Benny looked down avoiding my gaze.

Sara looked at me through the mirror with wide eyes, and smile on her face. My face started to burn red from embarrassment now too, as I backed off Benny scooting as far as I could from him. Ethan looked out the window, a hand over face rubbing the bridge of his nose. I chewed at my nails now facing the window. It has been really weird between me and Benny lately, he keeps doing this thing where he almost acts out. He freaks for nothing, or stutters. I can't blame him though, this night is freaking me out too.

"Yeah, I guess it's a little hot.", Sara clears her throat, turning on the air.

"Anyway what do we do about 'Bouncer Blood' over there?", I keep my eyes glued to my window, to afraid to make any type of contact with the boy next to me.

"It's ok, I think I know another way in.", Sara starting to get out of the car, Ethan in her trail. I reached up for the handle, but was stopped when a hand has placed on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry it's just-", I cut Benny off.

"Hey it's ok! I get it, I mean we did just found out we belong in like a Harry Potter book! I think we're all a little freaked out.", I smiled up at Benny. He nodded thankfully and stared into my eyes. Neither of us moved, my mouth hung slightly open, ready to speak. But nothing ever came out.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

"Let's go guys! We don't have all day!", Sara  yelled at the window. I nodded grabbing the handle and stumbling out. Sara looked at me with a shit eating grin. I smiled back, confusion evident on my face i'm sure. She turned and motioned for us to follow. She lead up to the back entrance of the theater. Ethan tried to open the door, but couldn't.

"It's locked.", he sighed.

"Is it or.. are you just super weak?", I teased him. Benny snorted and high-fived me.

"You two are so childish you kno-", Ethan began to scold us.

"Allow me.", Sara went to reach for the door. She took it off in a second.

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