Dazzle Dan

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Now I normally don't put notes on the top of a chapter, but this is extremely important! I've noticed that my dumbass skilled the episode about Doug the Vampire Hunter. I normally would go back and just do it next, but I know some of you are excited about the next two episodes! (Jilly Putty, and Smells Like Trouble)

Would you rather me do those, and than the Doug one after, or the Doug one first? PLEASE ANSWER❗️❗️

3rd POV
"Ethan, we have to get Jane after school today.", Kinsey's eyes widened. She wanted to make sure nothing was gonna harm the girl she had grown so fond of over the years.

"Gimme the keys. I'll pick her up and meet you guys back at Ethan's.", Sara panicked.

"All right.", Ethan nodded and handed her his keys.

Kinsey's POV
Ethan, Benny, and I were running to Ethan's at full speed. Not knowing what was happening with Debby, filled us all with anxiety. We all silently agreed to enter to the back door, just in case. Ethan reached the door first, and ushered us through quickly. We all ran toward the stairs, but stopped dead in our tracks at the sight in-in-front of us.

"What the hell!", I screamed down at Debby, who was sprawled out on the floor. Not to mention decapitated.

"You pretzeled her good!", Benny gaped down at the body.

Sara panted from the stairs, and Ethan's head snapped up to her. "Sara! Are you ok?!"

"I'm ok.", she nodded. Ethan reached down and grabbed her head by her hair. I cringed, and Benny stretched his arms in-front of me.

"Ethan, what are you doing?!", Benny leaned back away from it.

"Scare Finder Rule Number 10: nothing can do anything without a head.", Ethan chuckled at our success, referencing our favorite show. I smiled widely and stepped under Benny's arm, to poke at her head. However, my smiled immediately dropped as soon her body started to twitch. Her arms reached up and snatched her head from me and Ethan. We all screamed and ran up the stairs,  and sat down next to Sara. I watched in horror as she screwed her head back firmly in place.

"So she's invincible?", I mumbled. Her eyes fluttered open, and landed on us.

"Sara, where's Jane?", Ethan panted.

"She's in her hiding spot. You guys go, and I'll hold her off as long as I can."

"Kins, we should go and find out how she read that spell.", Benny looked over to me. Wow it's the first thing he's said to me all day.

"I would but, I can't leave Sara here by herself. I'll try to hold her off with Sara.", I shook my head. Benny immediately protested.

"No! I need you to help, Sara's got this. Right Sara?", Benny looked at her, pleading with his eyes for her to agree.

"Yeah Kins, he's right. Go help him. Ethan, what are you gonna do?", Sara turned to him.

"I'm gonna buy us some time, let's go!", he took off upstairs, me and Benny right behind him.

3rd POV
"Jane I know your in there. You always hide in there. And I know how your mind works.", Benny sighed against Ethan's closet door. Kinsey and Benny had ran immediately to his closet, knowing that's where Jane had always retreated to. They were now both leaning, back first, on his closet.

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