Della and Her Human Boy

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Kinsey's POV
Me and Ethan walked into his backyard warily.
"I did always like that tree.", Ethan looked towards the tall tree sprouting from the ground.

"Funny how they name streets after what they tore down to build them. This used to be an Orchard, one of my favorite spots until your idiot ancestors burned my flock alive.", Jesse stepped from the tree, and smirked at me and Ethan. I stepped back lightly.

"Yeah, well I'd day their only mistake was not finishing the job!", Ethan shot at Jesse.

"Yeah, looks life we'll have to do it for them now huh?", I got into a fight stance. I held off tons of vampires tonight, how bad could one more be. Jesse chuckled before stepping closer to us.

"You made me miss my target so the rest of my flock may have to wait a little longer, that's fine. I still have enough dusker souls here to resurrects few dozen of the most powerful vampires that ever lived, and you'll have the honor of being their first midnight snack!", Jesse smirked at us.

"Screw you! We're not letting that happen! We're gonna send you and your worthless minions back to where you came from!", I cracked my neck.

"Yeah, you won't have to wait! We're gonna reunite you with your flock right now, just not in this the world!", Ethan and I grabbed our knives ready to attack. Jesse raised his hand sending Ethan's knife across the yard, and started to push Ethan down onto the floor without even touching him. Fear built up inside of me, what was he capable off?

"Let him go!", I yelled.

"No, but your gonna put that knife down, and join me on my side.", Jesse smiled. I began to shake my head, when my knife was flung out of my hand too. He threw my against the tree behind him and held me there. I grunted trying to lift myself, but I couldn't. It felt like 100 men where holding me down. Out of no where Benny came charging after Jesse, but failed miserably falling next to Ethan on the floor.

"Let her go!", Benny shouted seeing my against the tree. My gaze stayed on Jesse, anticipating his response.

"No, she will join me once I raise my flock. A vampire witch would help out a ton, plus Jake's gotta thing for her."

"Screw that, and Jake! Tell him I said to go choke on garlic!", I yelled. Jesse slowly started to bring the cubile animus up to the moon. The moon started to glow red, and my breathing picked up.

"The hour of rebirth has come! Brothers! Sister! Arise!", Jesse screamed, but before anything happened, Sara flew from the sky on top of Jesse. The cubile animus got knocked out of his hands into Ethans.

"Yes, Sara!", I cheered her on. He picked her up and pushed her against the tree.

"Hey! Got your friends in a box!", Ethan flaunted the box in his hand. Suddenly I felt myself being dragged up the tree, I grunted and kicked but couldn't stop him. I was next to Sara fighting his powers against the tree.

"Yeah? Well I've got your babysitter, and friend!", I shut my eyes putting all my strength into moving.

"Okay, she's really Jane's babysitter!", Benny groaned.

"Gimme the cubile animus the souls must be transferred now!", Jesse looked at the, he was running out of time. I felt more force be pushed around my neck and gasped.

"Sara, Kinsey!", Ethan yelled noticing how we were in more pain now.

"C'mon man! Just give it to him, what are we gonna do with the nest of souls anyway? Ebay it?", Benny looked up at me and Sara frantically trying to find a solution.

"Now! Hand it over or they die!", Jesse was getting more aggressive by the second.

"No Ethan don't!", Sara yelled.

"Don't you dare do it E!", I choked on how Jesse tightened his grip to shut me up. I heard a voice speaking latin and looked up. Evelyn and Jane were peeking out of the window reciting a spell. Lightning struck Jesse, making his lose his grip on me and Sara. We both fell to the floor gasping. Quickly me and Sara joined the boys across from Jesse.

"Hey! You can have the box, but not what's inside! You rekt their premier, now you deal with them!", Ethan opened the box, and the souls came flying out. Jesse screamed in agony, as the souls attacked him. In a few moments, Jesse was gone.

"Can't believe you dated that guy.", Benny looked at Sara.

"Call me crazy, but there's something a little attractive about vampires..", I mumbled looking ahead of me.

"Ugh! I know right, it's so annoying! Like why do they have to be evil!", Sara groaned.

"I know! I wish they were all like Jakeward from Dusk!", I smiled, thinking of the movie.

"Ok? But what about human boys! We're pretty cool right?," Benny looked down at me.

"I don't know, Della seems to think so..", I started to walk back to Ethans door. I know that's kinda bitch move, but what does he care about what I think. It's not like it affects him.

3rd POV
"Really smooth Benny!", Ethan whispered.

"What was that about?", Sara raised an eyebrow at the boys.

"Nothing! I kissed Della, that's it!", Benny sighed.

"Yeah, and then continued to talk about how she's your love and you told her to come over on the car ride- while laying in Kinsey's lap.", Ethan spoke up. Sara's mouth hung open judgmentally, she shook her head and went after her friend.

"What!? No I didn't!"

"Uh, yeah you did. Not my fault you don't remember.", Ethan started towards the house too.

Sara walked up to Kinsey in the kitchen. "Hey girl...", Sara mumbled leaning forward.

"Hey.", Kinsey smiled briefly.

"So- Benny?", Sara cleared her throat.

"What about him?"

"Ya' know.. you, him?", Sara raised her eyebrows.

"What no! He's my friend!"

"So why'd you get all upset out there?"

"Just mad, about...Jake!", Kinsey stumbled over her words. Sara hummed, giving Kinsey a I don't believe you but I'm not gonna say anything look.

"What are you guys talking about?", Ethan walked into the kitchen, getting next to Sara on purpose.

"Stuff." Sara looked over the Ethan.

I'm sorry I know this wasn't the best chapter. 😪. I promise to have more exiting ones! We finished the movie and can now move to the show! I tried writing in 3rd POV today! Lemme know how you feel, I'm thinking of doing it more often! Feedback is always appreciated! Thank you for reading!

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