Cubile Animus

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Kinsey's POV
Benny, Ethan and I were all walking out of school when we saw a familiar face.

"Hey guys! Wazzzzzup!?", Rory walked over to us.

"Rory you're... We thought you were dead!", Ethan looked him up and down. I stared at him baffled over the fact that he is here, and not on a missing persons list.

"All I know is, I woke up this morning after the party feeling awesome! No asthma, I don't need my glasses, and I barely have to sleep anymore. The only problem is the sun, kinda annoying."

"Your a fledgling too?" Benny presses.

"Pfft! Heck no! I'm rocking the full-on vampire action dude! The big V! Can I get a what, what!" Rory seemed pretty hype, and excited on his new lifestyle.

"What you drank human blood!", Ethan judgmentally looking him making a face of disgust.

"They said, if I didn't I'd die. All the other kids were doing it!"

"Not a good reason!", I lectured him.

"Do you have any idea of what you've down to yourself!", Benny freaked out.

"I'm immortal and all-powerful dude! Ka-chow!"

Benny formed a fist, and made a face of frustration. I patted his shoulder and gave him a face of reassurance. Three vampires came from behind Rory, reminding him that he had something to go too. One was that guy from the party who Benny made fun of, one was Jake, and I didn't recognize the other. Jake smiled my way, and titled his head. I flipped him off, and noticed Benny glaring him down.

"Sorry, I gotta go to church."

"Church? Vampires don't do church." Ethan slightly smiles at Rory's stupidity.

"Jesse says we have to, he's so bossy. He's all blah-blah, the prophecy,and blah-blah-blah, you must find the cuban animals or-"

"Cuban animals", we all say confused.

"Rory are you ok? What are you talking about?", I ask feeling his forehead.

"I don't know! That's what it sounded like. Anyway we gotta hang out later or 'fang' out! Zing!"

"I don't know, he seems to be thriving! Maybe I'll become a vampire next, I would love to not have to put contacts in every morning.", I walked to where Rory was standing so I could see them. They both gave me disapproving looks. "To soon?"

"Yes, and grab your backpack. We're going to church.", Ethan left me and Benny to sit here confused.

"What?" Benny asked. I looked up at him and shrugged.

Benny and I each had a pitcher of holy water. Mine was already full so he was the one filling his now. Ethan explained that we needed holy water to repel the vampires. I tapped my foot and watched Benny's pitcher fill.

"This is taking so long, and my arm is starting to hurt!", Benny whined stomping on the floor.

"I did it just fine! Not my fault your weak."

"I'm not weak it's just-"

"Shh! Someone's coming!" I grabbed Benny's arm and started to go towards the exit. The priest raised an eyebrow at us, wondering why we had two full pitchers of holy water.

"Uh.. It's for my, uh..." Benny trembled.

"It's for our Uncle Ethan, he is just so sick. He has.. um, his appendix burst!", I looked down, and started to sniffle to look sad. The priest looked sad down at me and nodded.

"Yeah, and the Belgian Pig Flu, and stuff! You know, Ebola too.", Benny tried to act smooth. I mentally cursed, we almost off the hook. We ran before the priest could question us.

"Are you joking! 'Belgian Pig Flu' and 'Ebola' I had us covered! You're so smart!" I laughed doubling over, spilling some holy water out.

"I panicked!" Benny smiled raising an eyebrow at me laughing.

"Got it!", I said whispered beside Ethan. Benny fell over in between us. He was his stomach holding his pitcher. We hid behind a tombstone, spying on the group of vampires. Ethan was set on finding out what up they were up to.

"Shush, their over there.", Ethan lectured us not breaking eye contact with the group before us.

"Look at them. Hoodies and sunglasses. Nice look if you're-" Benny started to lift himself up.

"Hey." Sara popped up behind us.

"Ah!" we all gasped.

"Looking good." Benny remarked looking Sara up and down.

"Shut up before I feed you to the vampires!" I whisper, yell at Benny. Ever since the first day of school, I've developed feelings towards Benny. Each day they have been growing, along with my jealousy towards the girl's he compliments.

"Hey there's enough of me to go around!" He pokes my thigh. I slap his hand.

"Stop! Both of you, and what are you doing here?", Ethan looks to Sara.

"Same as you. I'm following them. I just wish I knew what they were up to."

"Well, according to Rory-", Benny started.

"There on a hunt for some 'cuban animals'", I sighed still frustrated that I didn't know what was going on.

"I was gonna say that!"

"Well I said it first." I spit at Benny, playfully.

"Cuban animals? You mean cubile animus? I've heard Jesse mention it before. I think it's latin for something." Sara shifted uneasily. Benny whipped out his phone googling the cubile animus. I leaned over his shoulder, examining the wikipedia page on it.

"Two hundred and nineteen..." Ethan mumbled.

"Wikipedia says that cubile animus is latin for 'nest of souls'.", I whispered the last part with Benny.

"I think I just saw it. This little box with weird carvings on it.", Ethan looked at the floor.

"What where did you see it?", I looked up at Ethan.

"My head?", Ethan said sounding more like a question.

"A box?", Benny presses.

"Like that one?", Sara pointed to the vampires. They had a small box passing around delicately.

"Amazing, how long do you think it's gonna be til something happens?", Benny sighed.

"What do we do now?", I worried looked at Ethan, he's the usually the man with a plan.

"We have to stop them!", he said like it was obvious.

"Good thing we've got a fresh supply of anti-vampire juice.", Benny spins with the pitcher splashing some holy water on Sara.

"Ow! What the heck?!" She screams in pain. We all took off hiding in the woods, as the vampires examined the area we were once in.

Sorry for the boring chapter, I promise it gets better! I'll try to update as frequently as possible.

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