Woman In Uniform

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3rd POV
"Wait do you see that?", Ethan leaned closer to Benny, and whispered to him.

"Yeah! We just went over this! I don't wanna talk about how Kinsey's being taken away by some-"

"Not that! Look!", Ethan stopped to point over to Erica and Rory talking. "There up to something, I'm gonna try to get closer."

Ethan stepped out of the line to get a better look at what they were planning. Unfortunately for him, Erica lifted a needle and that was all he needed. He let a incoherent groan out and fell to ground. He had fainted.

"Ethan?", Benny's eyes widened at his unconscious friend. Annie, the hot nurse, gasped and came running over. She crouched besides him, and began taking his pulse. "Well played, young padawan. Well played.", Benny nodded.

Kinsey's POV
I picked at the collar of the nurse dress I had just slipped on. It was a little tight fitted, but in all honesty I think that's how it supposed to fit.  I unfolded the little hat that came in the baggy with the uniform, and placed it on my head. I started to step out of the bathroom, when yells filled my ears.

"Ugh! No! No! Don't do this to me!", Sara's frustrated screams filled my ears when I stepped out of the bathroom. I scrunched my face up and started towards her.

"You ok?", I cautiously approached her, and grabbed her hand just before she punched a whole in the vending machine. She huffed and threw her head back.

"I can't function properly with all this blood! I feel like I'm going insane, also why are you wearing that? I thought you hated needles?"

"No, I do, I'm helping bring the blood bags to the truck and-"

"You are?", Erica sang stepping around the corner with a cup in her hands. I immediately realized what she was gonna ask, and internally  groaned.

"Uh, yeah? I'm helping Annie out.", I stated, tugging down the edge of the dress. It came just before my knees.

"So, since we're like... really good friends, maybe you could-"

"Erica, I can't steal any blood for you.", I sighed.

"Why?! Come on!", she groaned.

"I like Annie! I don't wanna ruin it, and I can't let Benny win!"

"What if... we make a deal?", Erica smiled. I raised my eyebrow and stare back waiting for her to go on. "I help you with Benny, and you grab me some pints."

"Help me with Benny?"

"Yeah, for like the next two weeks, Ill help you flirt, do your makeup, ya' know!", I bit my lip and weighed my options. Yes I liked Annie, but I like Benny better.

"I guess she wouldn't notice a few pints...", I sighed against my better judgement. Sara widened her eyes in disappointment, and Erica's widened in excitement.

"Kinsey! No! This blood is for saving lives!"

"Well, duh! Mission accomplished.", Erica took a long sip from her cup before continuing. "Ah! See? No screaming.". A layer of blood remained on her teeth when she pulled the cup away. I avoided Sara's gaze, knowing she would be giving me a look. How could I miss the opportunity this opportunity? And plus, she was so good at makeup and all the guys want her!

"Right. Until you get caught. We'll see who screams then.", Sara spit out and tried to open her bag of chips, but unfortunately the bag teared in two and the chips spilled all over the floor. I cringed at the chips on the floor, and began rummaging through the bag to give her some money to buy another bag.

"Oh! No problem me. Five second rule.", Erica smirked before turning to me. "You! Let's go back to the bathroom, we need to fix this.", Erica motioned to me before, grabbing my arm and leading me away. I grabbed a five and handed it to Sara, before shooting her an apologetic look.

3rd POV
Kinsey walked into the room again, after getting dazzled up by Erica. She now had red lipstick on, eyeliner, and mascara. The whole time Erica was doing her makeup, she was instructing her on what to do. Kinsey kept her head down, almost embarrassed to have gotten so dressed up for a boy.

"Head up! Confidence is key!", Erica nudged her from behind. Ethan was no longer by Benny's side, due to his fainting, so Benny stood on his phone in then line.

"I don't know if I can do this...", Kinsey whispered to Erica.

"Well, too bad!", Erica grabbed Kinsey's arm and dragged her up to Benny. Kinsey tried to fight back, but her strength was nothing compared to Erica's vampire strength. The girls stood in-front of Benny, but he just stayed zoned out on his phone. Erica waited 10 seconds before rolling her eyes, and ripping his phone from his hands.

"Hey! What's your-", Benny's words came to a halt when he gazed at Kinsey. Kinsey looked anywhere but his eyes. She wanted to do nothing more than just run out of the room, but Erica's other hand stayed on her arm. "H-hey Kins..."


"Ok, you two dweebs talk, I have business to attend too!", Eric smirked, handed Benny his phone, and walked away. Benny couldn't choose what to look at, how the dresses hugged her body so perfectly, or how beautiful her face looked right now. Her face. The way the red lipstick really accentuated her natural lips, the way her cheeks tinted. He had loved the way her makeup looked, but decided he liked her bare face better.

"You look... good.", Benny mumbled.

"Thanks... Erica did it.", Kinsey smiled, still not meeting his eyes. Confidences is key. The statement rang in her head, and she finally made eye contact with him.

"Oh. Well, she did an amazing job."

"Thanks, I'm gonna start to load some of the bags into the car but... wanna hang after school?", Kinsey smiled up to him.

"Y-yeah!", Benny nodded, doing his best to keep his composure.

"Cool, we'll see you later...", Kinsey reached forward and placed her hands on his face. She leaned in kissed him on the cheek, and walked off before she could freakout. She mentally cursed herself out, what if he didn't like her like that? What if she went to far?

Benny's jaw dropped and a smile made it's way onto his face. He quickly pulled out his phone, and turned on his front camera. "Yes!", he whisper yelled when he saw the little red remains from her lipstick, and snapped a picture. He sent it to Ethan, and called him.

"What's up?", Ethan said into the phone.

"Dude! Kinsey just walked in here! She's wearing that nurse outfit, and makeup!"


"Yeah! Then she invited me to hangout and then kissed my cheek! It left a mark, check your texts! I'm never gonna wash my face again!"

"Ew? Wait, did you say she invited you over too?"


"Dude, she totally just made a move! You need to make a move later too if you go!"

"Your right! Ok, I have to go, it's my turn to get my blood taken by the hot nurse now!"

"I thought you liked Kinsey?!"

"I do! But I'm already here, and the nurse is still hot! Wait, if I ask for Kinsey to do it, do think they'll let her?"

"She hates needles Benny."

"Right, ok, gotta go. But man do I love a woman, especially Kinsey, in uniform!"

I absolutely HATE this chapter.😥 I'm sorry for this, but next one will be better! Sorry for any grammar mistakes! Love you so much! Thank you for reading! 💕💖

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