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(request by @5sos_limelight)

"am i allowed to look at her like that? could it be wrong? when she's just so nice to look at?"

he was sitting in second period. dozing off to the mono toned voice of the biology teacher. something about mitochondria.

but then his eyes shifted. to her.

she was his lifelong crush. since elementary. their moms were friends, so as you can imagine, they became friends too.

but now, feelings decided to start developing. he didn't want them to. it could ruin the friendship completely. and not to mention she had a boyfriend.

he was tall. some six seven, lacrosse player. he had rock hard abs, loved to party, and had a porsche. so of course she would go after him.

so was he allowed to look at her like that? she was his best friend. she was taken, happily. she was gorgeous, but wasn't his to keep.

"she smells like lemongrass and sleep. she tastes like apple juice and peach. oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture. and she means everything to me, oh."

his hands found her hips. his lips found hers. they collided instantly. the tension too much to stand.

his tounge found the edge of her mouth, pressing, asking for entrance. she accepted, letting the kiss get deeper and deeper.

but all of it ended. she pulled away quickly, breathing heavily. her hands on his chest, pushing him back slightly.

"we can't do this cal. what if he finds out? he's bound to walk in looking for me."

"we're in a bathroom. no one is gonna know."

"he's gonna kill us calum. if he finds out, you're dead."

"i don't care. at least i got to do it with the girl of my dreams."

"stop calum. i'm serious."

"forget about him. he's a douche anyway."

"just a few more minutes calum. then i've got to get back out there."

he smirked, finding her lips in the darkness again.

"i'd never tell. no, i'd never say a word. and oh, it aches. but it feels oddly good to hurt."


her voice rung out through his house. though he was upstairs, he could feel the pain in her voice, bringing it down with him.

he stumbled down the stairs, quickly rushing to her side. she was crying. her makeup smeared. it looked like she had been lounging around the house. but now she was here.

"what? what happened?"

she began to cry again. her body shaking from the tears. he quickly pulled her close, and let her cry into his chest, "you can tell me."

and stopped momentarily, "he hit me."

she continued crying, and his grip around her tightened from sudden anger.

"where?" he asked through clenched teeth, "where'd he hit you?"

she backed up, pulling back her hair from her neck. plain as day, there was a hand mark, just starting to bruise.

"fuck." he said, choking on his own tears, "how long ago was it?"

"about an hour. we got into another fight. he's hit me multiple
times cal. and i'm scared."

"where else?" he asked as calmly as possible.

"my back. my face. my arms. it never stops cal."

he wrapped her tightly in a hug again, this time with no intention to let go. tears were streaming down his face, but he didn't want her to see that.

"i should have listened to you cal. i knew i shouldn't have moved in with him."

he shook his head, "no don't act like that. you thought it was the right thing. he was a good guy before. it's alright."

she nodded in his arms, trying to stop crying.

"do you have anywhere to stay?" he asked, still not letting go.

"my parents, but they're out of town. i can ask for the ke-"

"no. you're not staying by yourself. you can stay with me. for as long as you need.

she shook her head, "no. i'll just be a burden. i can find an apartment."

"not happening. you've never been a burden. i'll go get your things tomorrow. i've got an extra room, and you can have it. there's an extra bathroom too. you won't be a problem. i promise."

"thanks cal. for, everything."

"you're welcome. ya know, that's what friends are for."

"you're more than a friend cal."

"no i'm not."

"yeah. you've been so nice to me. more than enough. and i know i told you to keep quiet about that night about the party in the bathroom. but i can't keep quiet myself. you're amazing calum, and i don't know why i kept going for that douche."

"i thought you regretted the party."

"no. i loved it actually. you're better than him."

"i'm sorry, could you say that again?"

"shut up cal."

"just wanted to hear you say it. so, what are we now?"

she sighed, and stepped back from him, "i need a little time. like, a month. then we can try this relationship thing out."

"i'll wait as long as you need me to."

"thanks cal."

she smiled, and leaned on his chest again, placing a kiss on his cheek.

he smiled, "you're welcome."

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