I Will Become Stronger!

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Kokichis pov

They carried a scared looking natsumi in. Thankfully she didn't look hurt but I still felt terrible. I'm a worthless excuse for a bodyguard!

I ran into my room and cried to myself for a bit. Big sis peko came in and hugged me.

"shhh kokichi natsumis ok now. Everything's ok now"

"no its not ok!" I yelled "I let those bad guys take natsumi away! I'm a terrible bodyguard!"

"I suppose I'm partly to blame for this too" peko sighed "I pushed my beliefs on you and made you feel like you had to run away. I sorry I ever made you feel that way little brother" she said petting my hair gently.

I cried in the confert of my sisters arms. After a couple of minutes I wiped my tears away and looked up at her determinedly.

"Big sis I'm definitely going to get stronger and protect natsumi from all danger"

"that's my boy" she said wiping my tears away.

I cuddled into my sisters arms with a newfound determination in my heart.

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