Father And Son Day

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Fuyuhikos pov

"daddy pick me up!"

"sure thing kiddo." I said placing him on my shoulders.

Peko has insisted that I have a father son day with kaido which I don't mind since it gives me time away from the yakusa. Being a Yakusa boss can get tiring after a while.

I took him to the park and watched him play for a while before calling him back

"right kiddo it time to eat a feast!"

"hehe kay daddy" he grinned m

I took him to towa dinner. We took a seat and order our food. The waitress came back with a bottle of purple substance.

"we give out a free panta bottle with every kids meal!" panta huh? I've seen pekos Little brother drink that crap so I guess it's ok to let him drink.

Kaidos looked at the bottle strangely. He took a sip and his eyes lit up.

"this is the best drink ever" he announced.

"I am glad you enjoy it my kiddo"

What I was unaware of was that the goddamn  drink made him crackhead hyper and he spent most of the night bouncing off the walls. Peko was not happy to say the least.

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