Losing Her

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Fuyuhikos pov

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Mahiru koizami. Sure the girl pissed me off more than anything but I never wanted her dead. I especially didn't want peko to be the one to kill her.

"what the fuck did you do?" was all I could muster.

"I did it so you could escape young master" she replied.

"to hell with that! I don't want to leave if it means that your not coming with me!"

She looked at me in shock but quickly recovered "please leave while I clean up this mess"

I slowly nodded and ran off as quickly as I could. I ran into kazuiki and hajime but I didn't stop to talk to them. I ran into my cottage and screamed into my pillow. Why? Why did things have to turn out this way?

Time skip

"and the killer is... Peko pekoyama!"

I couldn't believe this. That sacrifice it was all for nothing! No I won't let her sacrifice be so pointless!

I ran into her execution site and tried to reach her only for my eye and stomach to get cut open. The pain was agonising but not as agonising as seeing the guilt spread across pekos face.

That was the last time I saw her.

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