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Fuyuhikos pov

We've been living together for two years now and have decided that nows a good time to adopt a child of our own. We've gone through the nessisary paperwork for the past nine months and they've finally gave us permission to adopt. We've decided to adopt an older child since they might not get another chance to have a proper family plus their most likely in that orphanage in the first place because of us.

We walked into the large building and a kind lady showed us where all the toddlers and children were. I noticed a little boy making a flower crown.

I walked up and sat in front of him "hey there kiddo my names Fuyuhiko kuzuryu. What's yours?"

"I'm kaido" he said brightly.

"nice to meet you kaido  how old are you?"

"seven " he replied.

"wow your a big boy " I said tickling him. He giggled at that. he had adorable blue eyes and fluffy white hair. I've never seen a cuter kid in my life!  I decided he was perfect.

"hey would you like to be adopted by me and my wife?"

"really? You wanna adopt me even though I'm a big kid?"

"of course!" he teared up and hugged me.

"thank you thank you! I thought I'd never get adopted"

"Well today's your lucky day it seems" I chuckled.

We went up to peko and just like me she instantly fell in love with the boy. We signed the adoption papers as kaido jumped around us happily. I ruffled his hair and we headed into the car.

This is the start of our new family.

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