Protective Big Bro And Sis

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Kokichis pov

I was walking down the hallway with natsumi. I can't believe she nearly died! I should have been protecting her! I don't deserve to be called a bodyguard!

"hey kokichi why did you save me?" natsumi asked.

"what do you mean?" I asked feeling a little confused.

"I mean why save me? I thought you hated my guts"

I turned to her and grabbed her by the shoulders "natsumi I don't hate you and I never will! I was just frustrated cause you kept chasing off my other friends but I understand now. You were just afraid of me leaving you behind weren't you"

She nodded looking to the ground. I forced her to look at me.

"natsumi that will never happen. You and me are stuck together no matter what!"

"heh look at you giving a motivational speech" natsumi grinned "Well  I do feel better so I guess it done the trick"

I sighed "honestly I regret fighting with you at all. If I was a better bodyguard I could have save you from getting hurt-"

"what do you mean getting hurt" we jumped and turned around to see fuyuhiko and peko.

Fuyuhiko immediately ran up to natsumi and checked her over "what the fuck happened your neck!"

"none of your fucking business" natsumi said smacking his hand away.

"your my little sister you are my business" he yelled.

"kokichi please tell us what happened" peko said gently.

I sighed "natsumi got attacked by someone in the student reserve corse"

"what!" fuyuhiko yelled.

"I stopped her and warned her never to touch her again but I should have been there from the start. I'm sorry" I bowed apologetically.

"no need to apologise kokichi. You did a great job" peko said petting my head.

"yeah I owe alot to you kid" fuyuhiko grinned at me.

I smiled tearfully at them feeling a lot less guilty.

Peko pulled me into a hug "I think its best if we take our younger siblings home early"

"yeah good idea" fuyuhiko muttered looking worried. It's rare for our older siblings to act this worried over us but then again we did just go through a near death experience.

We talked to the teacher about it and she agreed to let us go. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Today sure was exhausting!

ultimate swordsman kokichi pekoyama Where stories live. Discover now