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Pekos pov

"hey big sis I need some advice" my little brother kokichi said nervously.

"is there a problem kokichi?" I asked getting down to his level.

"Well it's natsumi. She's been acting like a bully and chasing away my friends" he sighed

Fuyuhiko looked up at him "is natsumi acting like a brat kid? Ya need me to talk to her"

"no its ok" kokichi smiled "Natsumi is my responsibility so I'll talk to her but I don't really know what to talk to her about"

I placed a hand on her shoulder "it sounds to me like natsumis feeling a little insecure. Your making all these wonderful friends at hopes peak and natsumis feeling left behind. Like your going to abandon her"

"I would never do that" kokichi yelled.

"Well then show her that you won't leave her behind. If you can do that then everything should be fine"

"ok thanks big sis" he said hugging my waist. I stiffed up a bit at the contact. Kokichi is the only one who pulls me into hugs.

"no problem kokichi" I said petting his head. He smiled at me gratefully and ran off.

Fuyuhiko sighed "he's way too good to that girl"

"perhaps" I smiled "but I'd say the two of them are quite good for each other. Once they get over there little scuffle they'll be their old unstoppable duo"

"yeah hopefully" he muttered watching kokichi run off.

ultimate swordsman kokichi pekoyama Where stories live. Discover now