Near Death Experience

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Natsumis pov

I stood around in the empty classroom waiting for sato. She finally arrived with a dark look in her eyes.

"Well you took your sweet ass time" I muttered "so tell me what the fuck did you call me here for?"

She got up real close in my face and said "I want you to stay away from mahiru"

"wow this is what you waste my fucking time over" I said rolling my eyes. "well forget it and if you ever try and order me around again bitch I will get my family to fucking distroy you" I tryed to walk away but sato grabbed me and pinned me to a wall!

She began choking me. I tried to pull her away but I wasn't strong enough. Damnit why am I so weak! My vision began to go black and then.

"get the hell off my lady!"

My vision came back and I saw kokichi stand in front of me with a sword pointed at satos throat.

"now you listen here. If you ever threaten my lady's life again I will cut your throat open and watch you blead to death at my feet. Do you understand?"

She nodded shakenly.

"good. Then forget this ever happened" he said lowering his sword. Sato ran away as fast as she could. I stared at him in disbelief.

Holy shit kokichi can be scary!

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