Meeting Future Fondation

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Kokichis pov

I sat in the helicopter with natsumi next to me. Tetsuya said that some future Fondation members wanted to speak to us. I wonder what they want to talk about?

The helicopter landed and waiting outside was a short guy with a hougi and a violet haired woman. Both of them were wearing matching suits.

"big brother!" komaru jumped out of the helicopter and hugged the shorter guy.

"hey komaru it's good to see you again" he said hugging her back with tears in his eyes.

"yep don't bother welcoming me or master back" toko muttered bitterly.

"sorry about that toko, Byakuya welcome back" he chuckled.

"yes wonderful to be back" Byakuya sighed.

The violet haired women's gaze turned to us "you two must be the one who save one of our men"

"they sure did" tetsuya grinned.

"then we should reward the both of you!" the short guy insisted "come with me"

We walked down a long hallway together. The short guy looked back at us with a smile.

"oh we should probably introduce ourselves huh? Well I'm mokoto neagi and this is kyoko kirigiri"

"pleasure to meet your aquntaince" kyoko said stiffly. She kinda reminded me of big sis.

"I'm kokichi pekoyama and this is natsumi kuzuryu"

The two of them froze. Kyoko turned to us with a serious expression.

"you two wouldn't happen to be related to fuyuhiko kuzuryu and peko pekoyama would you?"

"yeah their our siblings" I replied.

"we ran away from them cause their batshit crazy!" natsumi muttered.

The two of them exchanged worried glances.

"alright you two come with us"

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