The Beast

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This story idea was created by Gr8estWulfLuvrEva11 for their contest prize! I hope you guys all like it, I definitely loved the idea and it actually got me back in the fanfiction writing mood~

The dark liquid in your glass rippled with every movement at the bar. Men jostled each other and slammed fists on the hard surface as they barked drink orders at the barmaid.

The bar was bustling with life as pirates and locals alike practically drowned themselves in alcohol. It was a stark contrast between the two. The newly arrived pirates were rambunctious, excited to be on dry ground and in the town's company while the locals were stiff with nerves, here to drink their worries away more than anything. And their anxiousness had nothing to do with the pirates.

Even with the poor lighting provided by the sparsely placed lamps you could see the tense stares that flicked around the room, eyeing the dark corners and twitching towards the subtle noises that could be picked out from the normal rucus of the bar by keen ears.

"We'll take what's on tap." An imposingly tall man with a long black cape draped over his shoulders tapped the bar beside you to get the barmaid's attention as he sat down.

A hood covered most of his features but the man that sat with him was easy enough to glance over. Long blue hair cascaded down his shoulders in thick waves and he had startling scars that stretched from the corners of his mouth, creating a Glasgow smile. As soon as you met his sullen eyes, you quickly looked away and focused back on your drink.

Two mugs were placed in front of them and the barmaid slid in front of you, the other orders having already been taken care of apparently.

"I wouldn't stress about it too much if I were you (Y/n). Our toughest boys are going to take care of it tonight, everything will be fine."

You finally let out a long sigh and knocked back the drink in one go, shuddering as it burned its way down your throat. When you looked back at her, you offered a half-hearted smile.

"Wouldn't it be better for them to just hole up for the night?"

"Nah, they've got it."

"Something going on here?" The cloaked pirate asked. "Seems everyone here has a stick up their ass."

The girl straighted back out, brushing the skirt of her dress out before answering. "We've had a....beast problem as of late. It started a few months ago and every full moon it makes an appearance. Last month it killed three men, slaughtered them really. It'd probably be a good idea for you guys to stay at your ship tonight until the problem is solved."

She was bold to talk to pirates like that but you'd learned the people here had little fear of outlaws. The locals provided good enough services here that the pirates that came by hardly started anything with them. Now fights with other crews were another matter entirely.

The pirate simply grunted in response to her answer while the other glanced between you and the girl.

"Does it only kill?" He asked. His voice was deep and rolled smoothly, exactly as you felt it would. It matched his appearance at least.

"No." She shook her head. "It's destroyed a few buildings and a couple fishing boats too. No one has exactly got a good look at it, but we can tell it's strong. Whatever it is."

"Strong indeed....." You propped your chin in the palm of your hand as you stared out into space.

The people here didn't know the half of it.

"Have any idea what it could be (Y/n)?" She asked.

"It's probably just a rogue animal." You said with a shrug.

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