The Pull

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"Shit. Fuck!" The bar owner stumbled out of the building, a greenish tinge to his face and tears in his eyes.

The townsfolk and pirates alike stood outside, huddled around in hopes of catching sight of the wreckage inside. You hung back, eyes downcast and a tired frown etched deeply into your face.

You thought you'd gone out far enough into the neighboring woods to avoid something like this, but you'd been mistaken. Now the barmaid you'd been talking to just the other night lay dead inside, unidentifiable. Her and the bar owner's son was halfway across the town, ripped to shreds. It made you sick just thinking about it. You'd killed a child.

To make matters worse, there was only a handful of people that hadn't seen the body of the boy. You'd practically put it on display, right in the middle of a well traveled street.

"I swear...." The bar owner dragged a hand down his face and a look of pure fury and anguish dominated his features. "We will hunt down and slaughter, whatever it is. It fucking dies tonight!"

There was a low murmur of agreement that swept through the crowd that was accompanied by nodded heads and firm stares. You clutched your coat close and huddled further in on yourself.

The guilt of killing like you did never left you but that didn't mean you wanted to die either. You were going to have to find a way off the island before your next shift. It was time to move on again, continue with the trail of death that always followed. You had to practically reek of it by now.

"How'd that hunt of yours go?" A giant of a man sauntered up to the crowd. His expression was serious but there was an obvious hint of amusement in his eyes.

You were immediately drawn in by his blood red hair, pushed back by a pair of goggles that rested on his forehead. His amber eyes almost matched the shade of his hair, along with his lips, and you couldn't help but notice how he was dressed. It was cold out, freezing really, but while he was dressed appropriately from the waist down in trousers and heavy boots, the waist up was another story. An open vest hugged his frame, too small to actually close, and there was a heavy, burgundy, fur coat over that. Ragged scars started at the left side of his face and trailed down his torso.

When he stopped in front of the townsfolk, he put his hands on his hips and your eyes widened when you noticed his left arm was gone, completely replaced with a large metal one.

"You know what? No need to answer. This place is a bloody fuckin' mess."

You could see how just about everyone was itching to tell him off, but the pirate was unmistakeable and no one wanted to rub him the wrong way. Eustass Kid, captain of one of, if not the, most deadly of the up and coming pirate crews. He was part of the worst generation and had done a good job of making sure his name was known through his pillaging and mindless slaughters. He was the kind of pirate that took great joy in going out of his way to chase down other ships and kill their crews simply to pass the time.

But despite knowing all that, you were hit with something overwhelming as you watched him. His lips curled up into a vicious smile as he chuckled at the expense of everyone else's pain, his eyes lit up brightly, sparkling with life, and your heart seemed to speed up of its own accord. You couldn't look away from him as the strong urge, the need to be around him suddenly took over.

While everyone else tried to avoid acknowledging his presence as his crew gathered around him, taking in the scene, you couldn't help it when you stumbled towards him slightly. It was like your inner wolf had taken over once again, choosing what happened next for you.

His eyes snapped to you as he suddenly frowned disapprovingly. "Got a problem woman?"

"I uh, no. I don't feel well...."

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