chapter 14

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I open my eyes to grey somewhat green eyes staring at me. I flinch causing Antonio to move slightly back.

"You are alright " he says with concern for which I don't understand where the concern came from seeing that his my kidnapper.

I take in my surroundings to see myself in a huge room. I was suddenly in a room alone with Antonio , why was I here ?,why did he bring me here?

I try standing up but I just can't the pain I am currently feeling is too much for me to bare.

"Don't push it" this was highly weird why was he acting so indifferent towards me.

"Don't worry I won't have to do that if you didn't hurt me" I say out of anger.

"Such a temper ,interesting but do calm down we don't want the room burning down." He mocks lifting his brow and it wasn't funny because I wasn't laughing, looks like he's analysing me by the way he tilts his head time to time and by the narrowing of the eyes. I watch his mouth move and it moves so calmly and I am trying to decipher this change of attitude.

"Where did you hear that catch up line primary school and what do you want from me ?" Right now I am angry beyond frustration and tiredness ,I really don't know why he didn't kill me but I shall make him regret giving me few hours of life.

"Lets just say I like the look of you ,especially when you look like sh*t. Completely worthless and vulnerable bellissima." He runs his hand slowly down my face making me breath heavily, lifting my chin up so that I can look straight in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He lifts his brow mockingly knowing that his touch  has an effect on me , I don't know what was it ,if it was the slow motion of the hand or the gentleness of the touch that got me grasping for air which seemed too little in this room.

"Don't mock me ,touch me again like that and I might chop of your hand." Lets just say I was trying to act tough around a man who likely could kill me with a snap of his fingers but I guess whatever I was doing was working.

He runs his hand through his hair as he lets out a chuckle. His probably finding all this amusing.

"What is your problem like seriously , didn't anyone tell you it's rude to kidnap people?" All I want is to get out of here and to be honest I didn't know what else to say.

"You talk a little to much for my liking , I should probably cut of your tongue." His expression is pale as he speaks ,no emotion of regret or pity ,he speaks as if cutting people's tongues was a casual thing to do .

"Why don't I cut off your balls ?" I quickly cover my mouth with my hand as I realize what I said , all Antonio does is raise his brow. I was saying that so bluntly. My goodness the man is surely going to kill me now.

"it's completely alright I am use to the lack of respect" walking casually towards me he places his palm on my forehead. "your fever seems to be gone, you were blazing hot a while ago" his actions caught me off guard, I push his hand away from me.

"you can't leave this place or else you will die, if you love your life and family you won't make any of this difficult." just like that he leaves

Antonio's desireWhere stories live. Discover now