chapter 3

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"Wish me good luck" I kiss him on the cheek as I get ready to go to the airport.

"But I don't want you to go , I swear that boss of yours is a f*cker he knows how to ruin everything"  Flavio didn't like the idea of me leaving to Italy he kept on mentioning that he  had a bad feeling about the trip , I told him he was being paranoid and didn't like the fact that I was leaving for very long. We had a whole discussion last night more like a total fight but this morning he apologized cause he does that all the time ,apologies for everything even if he isn't in the wrong.

I apologized as well cause the guy had a point he didn't know when I would come back before our fourth anniversary , I didn't know either so the thought of me leaving without really knowing when I will return did not sit well with me either. But this was about my career and this is an opportunity I couldn't let slip off my fingers. I  worked so hard to reach to this very moment in my life   at the end Flavio understood and gave his total support .

"Can you stop cursing at my boss , I promise I will try my best to call everyday unless I go through a crazy crisis which includes me dying or going to prison..." Flavio covers my mouth with his hand looking not pleased with my choice of words.

"Don't say such things Luci I rather die than lose you ,just keep  in touch and don't dare hang up on my calls madame unless when you have to , call me every night telling me about your day cause I love listening to your voice and lastly don't get to close to that very sexy Campanaro guy o.k. " I laugh at the last part looking at how much my boyfriend cares and loves me.

"Firstly I was joking and secondly yes I will do everything all the stuff you just mentioned if I remember" I was sure not going to do the last thing but I was sure going to call and text him. 

"I am not kidding ,I packed all your stuff if you get too tired and just want to chew on something ,there is your favorite sweets in your bag I packed it for you." wasn't my boyfriend just the best he went through the extra mile , I blink back tears that were so close from falling down my face.

"Yes Flavio can I go now or I will miss my flight" he doesn't say anything so I take that as a yes , as I walk away he grabs me by the arm as he turns me around dramatically so that I can look into his eyes again.

"I didn't say you can walk away from me , who knows you might just walk out my life " As much as I didn't want to cry I just couldn't hold the tears anymore as they came flowing down my face  , how I am going to miss Flavio.

"Never" his lips press on to mine as he kisses me like if it's the last time , the kiss was so different than the other times ,it was filled with so much passion and love , he whispers I am going to miss you in my right ear as he crashes my bones and finally let's me leave , we wave our final goodbyes as I go to the reception.


The trip was lovely ,I swear Belvano was trying too nice  whatever he was doing was definitely working ,by getting me a first class ticket in the plane. I had no worries ,Italy was so different than I thought ,Sicily to be frank was beautiful it makes me wonder why I never thought of adding the city onto my list of trips. 

"Ms Sanchez!" A very familiar voice calls out to me I don't know anyone in Sicily but that voice was too familiar to forget.

"Emilia" I raise a brow in confusion I thought she died.

"Luciana!" She comes running towards me ,hugging me tightly wow she had one crazy grip.

"Hi, when last did I see you? " after two and half months I see my best friend in an airport ,not what I expected but I was happy to see her for sure.

"Long story ,why don't I help you with your luggage? " she helps me with my luggage as we both drive to my apartment ,on our way we speak about nothing and everything. I came to know that she lost her phone and contacts so she wasn't able to contact anyone in Mexico especially me for reasons that didn't make any sense. And Belvano sent her to help me with the story cause let's face it she was one of the best journalists I know and she was very successful, so successful that she ditched the old guy and made her very own branch here in Sicily.

I am so proud of my best friend to bits, the apartment was bigger than expected so the old guy did live up to his expectations ,once I am done with my story I will  make sure to visit Sicily thoroughly.

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