chapter 9

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I couldn't sleep and now I am awake at exactly 3 am , the sound of that bullet and that  women is scarred into my head ,every time I close my eyes I hear that gun shot and I see her dying. I have  been twirling in bed for minutes now , why couldn't I sleep?

It's just a bad dream I repeatedly tell myself but it's a dream I can't wake up from , I get out of bed ,take a cold shower yes I am crazy because this water is freezing cold but the cold somehow helps me calm down.

I dress into a short and a loose top as I call Flavio. He might be sleeping but I can't go to bed and he always knows how to calm me down and I really miss him. I dial four times in a row but still he doesn't pick up.

I roll my eyes clearly getting irritated ,I take one deep breath as I cross my fingers hoping he picks up the call this time round and he does.

My happiness has skyrocketed because I am jumping like a maniac at this very moment.

"It's late Sophia" all the happiness that had miraculously filled my heart is gone just in a split of a  second

"Who's Sophia ?" I find myself saying out loud because last time I checked my mother never named me Sophia

"I will call you Sophia if you keep on calling like a crazy women Luciana, why on earth are you calling me at this time " I am confused.

"What has me calling you at this time have to do with Sophia you know I hate that name so why are  you calling me by that name" to say that I am cross is an understatement because I feel like I am fueling with anger ,long story short I had terrible encounters with Sophia's so I don't like that name they always give me bad luck. No offence to all the Sophias' in the world I am sure some of you are lovely people ,it just has to do with the ones I have met ,they were all #$$&##.

"So you don't reply to my messages neither answer my calls and expect me to pick yours?" I am feeling terrible at this very moment he sounds hurt and sad at the same time.

"It's not like that Flavio..."

"No it is don't worry I don't mind waiting until you are done talking to the people that you find important enough" he cuts me off ,this wasn't what I wanted , I didn't want to feel sad why is this day not going any better.

"Stop making me sound like a terrible person , I told you I don't want anyone tracking my phone and keep on telling you that I have been really busy trying to crack this case including Antonio, so I couldn't answer your calls I haven't touched my cellphone for quite a long time." Now I am just mad why can't he be considerate.

"Oh really you haven't touched your phone since ,only at this very moment Luciana" he says my name slowly clearly not convinced.

"Yes Flavio" I lie ,maybe I did use my phone but only to contact some people regarding my work. Am I a bad girlfriend?

"Luciana" this time I fall on the bed as I bite my lower lip , why did he have to sound so seductive saying my name and making me feel so terrible all at the same time for lying.

"I am sorry Flavio I promise I will call everyday from now ,if I don't call then maybe I lost my phone or I am in big trouble " I laugh at the last part.

"I forgive you, I am sorry too I know how important this is to you and I should really stop pressuring you , I just  miss you that's all " now I want to cry.

"Why are you such a awesome boyfriend? " Did he have to be cute ,gentle and amazing all at the same time.

"Why are you such a complicated wonderful girlfriend?" So ironic I would say

We talk about everything and nothing for hours  until I fall asleep.

The annoying sound of my alarm wakes me up I can't keep my eyes open and I fall back asleep.

I wake up again this time at 10,  I totally forgot that I had to attend a  charity  event which Antonio would attend for a guy who did a bad deed I guess him going to some event was going to properly help him feel better about himself , I rush out of bed into the shower as I come out of the shower with shampoo in my hair forcing me to go in the shower again to rinse  off the foam , 10:24  I am not getting there in time. I pick up a blue jean and a top I find as I put on my heels ,dry my hair as well as comb it as I rush down the hotel for a cab.

I am more than embarrassed at this very moment , the function is almost over it seems people have already done they bidding and were getting ready to leave ,and here I am coming in so late, people stare  at me awkwardly all I want to do right now is to be sucked by the ground

It must be the way I look ,I even forgot to put on my makeup amazing, simply amazing. I see Antonio in the crowd walking towards me.

"I see you again Miss Isabella Rossellini what a pleasure " Antonio stands in front of me extending his hand , I stare down at his hand remembering last night's events , I know he didn't kill the women but he partook in her killing.

I smile as I greet him " The pleasure is all mine. "  Something about him was off I don't know what it was but he was staring at me immensely.

"I see you are not the punctual one ,interesting " I want to gape so wide at his insult but truth be told he was right although what he just said pierced through my flesh ,I was really trying I really was. Instead I let out a small laugh.

"If you don't mind would you like to have some breakfast with me ,I know a very good diner near by I would like to show you" I almost feel like vomiting how can he act so normal after seeing someone die just the night before.

"I would love too ,that will be really nice" all this formal talk is starting to get to me , I can't wait to get out of Sicily.

We drive to the diner and he picks two seat right at the back one that's isolated from the rest.

Antonio orders simply a coffee while I order Apple pie with cream on top , I am  hungry and I am  not the shy one for food. We eat silently and I wasn't bothered because this pie was playing all sorts of flavours in my mouth , I swear this would be a craving ,I am totally coming here for more.

"What's your profession ?" Where did that come from ? , did he perhaps find out that I am a journalist working for Belvano. He looked so serious and scary at the same time , his lips in a straight line as he waits for my answer but I couldn't think I was looking at his jawline.

"I am a  freelance" he doesn't say anything has he lifts up his cup of  coffee and drinks from his cup. Why is he so emotionless. I can't even read the guy.

"You look really pretty without makeup it makes your eyes stand out Miss Isabella " my cheeks are firing up , why on earth was I blushing he didn't even say anything worth blushing for but I was doing exactly that blushing at his words.

"Thank you " I lower my head as I feel my cheeks heating up at the look in his eyes , I was acting like a teenager and I hated it , I have a boyfriend for goodness sake.

I eat my pie as quick as possible wanting to get out of here. Once I am done I thank him for the breakfast making sure to pay for my meal , declining his offer for wanting to pay for me I am an independent women who surely doesn't accept money from murders  . I try to refuse his offer to drop me off by my  apartment but fail miserably.

I give him a fake address of a hotel well know in Sicily ,once he drives off I order a cab.

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