chapter 7

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"Sei incrediblimenta bella signorina" (You look incredibly  beautiful miss). A gentle like voice speaks causing me to turn around , I reluctantly gulp it felt like I was sweating Antonio freaking Campanaro was standing in front of me , and damn he was sexy I don't know if it was the turtle neck and slick suit pants and messy hair and the piercing grey and somewhat green eyes that was making me all fired up and wanting to scream, cause damn he was sexy, simply gorgeous.

"Non ti vedo uno che segue le regole." (I see you not one to follow rules) I wasn't ready for this , he looked so fine just like my favorite ice cream damn he was worth licking ,as much as I wanted to speak I couldn't for a guy who was suppose to give away traits of arrogance and cockiness, the guy seemed to be far from those things he looked like a gentlemen and damn he had a sexy Italian accent ,one I couldn't compete with cause my voice wasn't even close to flirtatious. I needed to think because whatever I have to say next will determine whether I was still in this game. But I couldn't speak Italian and my silence was probably making him feel awkward.

"I don't speak Italian but thank you" I finally said cause it felt like I had a lump ,it feels good to speak up, isn't a bad thing that I am eyeing another man despite having a boyfriend ?

I am literally cheating indirectly , no one would be proud of me.

"That explains a lot" he let's out a laugh showing off his white straight teeth and the guy didn't just have a beautiful face but also a good smile , his lips were pink and slightly thick but when he bit his bottom lip my legs were shaking. "Wine" he offers as a gesture of kindness , I nod smiling returning the favor , I take the red wine in his hands and smell it before taking a sip.

"Belnocharo, my favourite" he raises a brow as he watches my actions very closely ,not saying a word he eyes me awkwardly.

"It is my favourite too ,are you Monaco's relative if I may ask " his awkward gaze changes as his face softens for a second before he places his lips on his glass and drinks from the whiskey in his hands ,he wears a ring a very thick ring one I haven't seen in pictures before.

"No I am but an old friend " he doesn't say anything as if he was waiting for me to say something ,but I had nothing I couldn't stop staring at his ring it wasn't just any ring ,I don't go to places a lot but that ring wasn't an ordinary ring.

"The ring,it's lovely is it a family ornament ?" He moves the ring with his thumb as he looks me straight in the eye as if he was reading me.

"Si it is " Did he have to also have an amazing English Italian accent.

Before he could say anything else , something makes a buzzing sound but it wasn't me.

"Excuse me , I look forward for a dance signorina " and just like that he hides in the crowd.

I release a breath of relief , now realizing that I was holding so much in. I reach down my bag to see if I had forgotten anything else lucky it was just that darn ticket that I decided to forget.

After a few minutes a man stands on the singing alter speaking heavy Italian , one I couldn't decipher at all I watch his movements and notice a tattoo down on his neck , it wasn't an ordinary tattoo it looked like a skull. As he walks down he too fades in the crowd  and then music begins to play.

Obviously they played Italian music one with an amazing tune to it , it was so good that it almost got me swaying to the song but I had to remain composed.

The wine in my glass was empty and I wanted more ,the wine was  good the taste was impeccable somewhat sweet and sour but not too sweet neither sour ,and to top it off it didn't have that huge alcohol taste which made it even better and now I wanted more.

I grab another glass of wine from a passing waiter,I smirk pleased at my own speed I take a sip and I am disappointed the wine wasn't the same this one tasted purely like crap , but everyone seemed to be drinking with delight,was I the problem ?

The moment I lower the glass from my lips ,I see a hand so now I have to dance ,the ring the man had on his hand was familiar I look up hoping it was Antonio but to my disappointment it was some other douchebag with impeccable grey eyes and brown hair and he  too was good looking. So maybe I shouldn't have insulted him cause the guy was gorgeous  not as gorgeous as Antonio but he was one fine cookie do people still use that phrase?

"A dance signorina?" He was asking so generously that it was hard to say no and by the way I was getting bored of standing here and drinking horrible wine, I smile and give him a nod as I place my hand onto his just to realize that my hands were pathetically small but his touch was so different.

He sways me to the dancing floor as we dance in sync.The music was fast so it was hard to keep up who told Italians that everyone was a good dancer?

"I am Paulo ,you signorina?" I was so close to losing my breath.

"Isabella Rossellini" he smirks seeming pleased with my name ,so maybe I lied about my name I didn't want anyone here looking through my history and by the way I always wanted to be called Isabella since I was a kid and Rossellini was just my second favourite name growing up ,till this day I feel that my parents were unjust they could  have named me Isabella ,I so looked like one and I sure think my mom should have fallen in love with a Rossellini.

It's a childish thing I know but hey the heart wants what it wants

"Beautiful name signorina beautiful indeed" I thank him, he spins me around and I find myself being handed over to another person as the music changes. My chest presses on the stranger and he holds me tightly in place his hands are gentle and his touch feels good. And he smelled so good his cologne was addictive.

"I did want a dance signorina pardon me for stealing you that way" I lift  my head up to see that it was Antonio just to realise that Paulo was gone and the music was much slower.

"It's ok" that's all I could manage to say ,we were so close and his hand was laid at my lower back making the feeling more uncomfortable but for some reason it felt good. Flavio wouldn't like this much proximity I put some distance between us as I loosen from his grip he notices and releases his touch slightly.

I notice a rosary down his neck his shirt wasn't buttoned up ,it's so pathetic of me to notice the rosary now.

"I like your rosary it's beautiful" I was trying to create small convo.

"You notice small things don't you?" So it's established that the guy isn't much of a listener or speaker ,I was really expecting a thank you ,that's what normal people do they thank one for complimenting.

"Well I do like to pay attention to small detail" there was no way I was going to get distracted.

"A women who doesn't follow rules but pays close attention interesting" he seems to be analyzing something as he speaks. Maybe he was just being nice he spins me around and then the music changes again this time much slower than the first  but this one sounded so much romantic. He pulls his hand away from my lower back and places his hand in the middle of my back,I hate to admit it but his hand had a certain effect on me one I didn't like.

I find that as an opportunity to place both my hands around his neck making sure to touch his rosary. My touch seemed to have an effect on him as his graze goes darker and he lifts up a brow smirking in satisfaction.

I quickly pull my hands away as the music stops and he stops as well thanking me for the dance and places a kiss on my palm ,his lips were soft against my hand and it felt terribly awkward I pull my hand away.

"It was lovely dancing with you Isabella Rossellini" he says leaving me to wonder how he knew my name  ,he must have heard me and Paulo ,he later  disappears in the crowd once more

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