chapter 11

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I run my hand through my hair as I sigh loudly clearly exhausted , I do not  bother switching on the lights, as I step into my room ready to shower.

Today has been one of the longest days I have ever had , going out with Emilia ,and still keeping tracks on Antonio as well as having a long conversation with Belvano that ended with insults. To say my boss is an arse is an understatement.

I rib off my clothes left in my bra and underwear as I head pass my bed to the cabinet. I hear a chuckle and stop I wait for a few minutes as I look around in the dark ,I was being paranoid today.

I open the cabinet ,looking for my flash drive as I hear a very familiar voice speak up, I stop searching  as I stand up straight and see Antonio in the dark  sitting on my rocking chair. How couldn't I have seen him earlier and why didn't I hear him. I blink my eyes severely times before actually realizing that  Antonio was in my apartment. Today couldn't get any worse.

"Molta bella davvero bella" (Very beautiful , beautiful indeed)  how did he get into my apartment, he switches on the lamb situated on a desk next to him as he stands up walking towards me.

How did he find me? I can't stop shaking and my heart is beating so fast at this very moment , my whole calm posture has changed to one of fear and horror in a split of a second.

He let's out a cold laugh as he stands in front of me eyeing me in a very bad manner scanning my whole body , his actions force me to cover myself with my hands and look at him sternly no matter how afraid I was I am not one to be disrespected.

"Has no one ever told you to knock before you enter people's homes " there was no point pretending right now , he probably knows who I am my whole cover has been blown, as pathetic as it sounds I am infuriated. This time he smirks instead of laugh in a mocking manner.

"So much attitude for an incompetent journalist ,won't you say miss Luciana Sanchez " he walks forward leaving little room between us forcing me to take a step back , how does one insult you and still look good at doing it but at the same time is a revolting asshole.

"Wow , for a man whom lacks manners to say such things is quite hilarious." I laugh as I move back again.

"I like your kind ,the one who knows they're dying but still show such bravery , amazing " his eyes darkens ,his lips now in a straight line and an aura filled with pure darkness surrounds the room as he pins me on the wall.

"Whose killing me you ?" As much as I wanted to be strong I couldn't because my legs were shaking like crazy and now I started feeling all sweaty.

"Don't be afraid signorina " he bits his bottom lip as he touches a strain of hair that was covering my face and moves it behind my ear ,as he looks at me straight in the eye with an intimidating expression which was working because he was scaring the living shivers out of me

"Did anyone tell you that you have beautiful eyes signorina?" His voice is low but deep and as sexy as it sounds it's terrifying, I try to push him backwards but the imbecile doesn't budge. I regret doing that as he leans forward so close to my lip .

I couldn't move I don't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't react . Our lips are so close and to tell you I hated the proximity would be a lie.

He bites his bottom lip as he bends his neck cursing before looking me in the eye again. This time he grabs me by the neck I don't fight back realizing his grip wasn't firm.

"Planning on choking me to death ?" I find myself asking because if I am dying I would like it to be as quick as possible I wouldn't be able to sustain the pain endured from a slow death , I gulp anticipating his answer.

He doesn't say anything but instead places small kisses down my neck , I let out a moan I didn't know I had how I hated how his touch as an effect on me.

"You like my touch signorina" he smirks and that just revolts me ,I hold on his shirt trying to push him away again but as the first time I fail but this time he pins both my arms on the wall as he places kisses down my  neck again this time with so much intensity that has me reacting even more. My actions had simply turned him on and how I hate myself for doing that.

"Stop please stop " Why was I pleading ,he lifts up my right leg and wraps it around his torso as he continues kissing me.

I didn't like what he was doing but at the same time my body was reacting to it in pleasure ,my mind and body were doing two different things

" Stop Antonio please ,I beg you stop " he runs his hand up my back as he slowly unstraps my bra, my  tears were falling down my cheeks ,I didn't want this and now I was begging him like a pathetic child.

He stops as he looks me in the eye wiping away my tears with his thumb.  "Don't cry signorina not yet I haven't killed you yet ,one needs to cry when they are screaming for mercy" 

I couldn't say anything because I couldn't stop hissing , he steps back as he runs his hand through his hair as he mumbles something in Italian.

"I would kill you now , cut your flesh in tiny little pieces and feed it off to the dogs but I hate seeing my prey look like shit ,so here's a deal let's play hide and seek , manage to get away from me before midday by tomorrow you'll manage to save your life and get that story ,you don't you're dead" and just like that he grabs his coat that I hadn't seen on the chair and leaves.

I stumble to the ground as I weep like crazy the tears couldn't stop flowing ,how could he have got me , I thought I had played it smart , I wasn't in his face how did he even think of going through my personal life.

Antonio's desireWhere stories live. Discover now