chapter 6

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Everyone was dressed in black , it took me off by surprise is was either that this Monarco guy was really a bummer or he liked his balls done in a  particular way.

As I walk down the flight of stairs ,my heels making a loud clicking sound everytime I stepped down, the crowds attention diverted to me ,everyone giving me all sort of looks.

Red was surely standing out and it wasn't even in a good way. Then at that very  moment of awkwardness and embarrassment.  I saw Antonio and he saw me too cause our eyes locked for a second and then he looked elsewhere  with a smirk plastered on his forsaken face , I undersood everything ,it explained so much the guards suspicious looks ,people were probably considering me a show off. I wasn't dressed appropriately, but it was giving me the wanted effect so I had no complaining.  

The very second I reach the floor I grab myself a drink from the passing waiter ,the drink was strong but the sensation was nice , I was sweaty I didn't realise it at first but I was surely not ready for this , Italian people just gave off a terrible aura , it felt as if  they we're all showering me with it.

I grab another drink as I zone into the conversations , I ain't nosy I swear it was just that it felt like people were badmouthing me in heavy Italian.

It was at this very moment that I realised I wasn't in Mexico ,but surrounded by Italian bastards or probably scums and the feeling was terrible ,I should have really gone to those Italian lessons back in high school.

I had to get close to him

Antonio's desireWhere stories live. Discover now