12 | Haunting memories

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A/N: Hi, I'm back from the dead with a new chapter! I'm really sorry it took me this long to update (over a month - wow) but I just couldn't find the time to write... Thank you to all of you who sent me some lovely messages in the meantime and made my day :) I really appreciate that!

(Besides: The next chapter is almost finished and all I can say is: It's getting hot ;) )

So if you're still here have fun reading!


After the cold-hearted nurse had replaced the caring, warm-hearted, and humanely side in her it became obvious to me that she had more than one card up her sleeve

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After the cold-hearted nurse had replaced the caring, warm-hearted, and humanely side in her it became obvious to me that she had more than one card up her sleeve. Clearly, I'd been underestimating the older woman from the very first day we'd met. The day after I'd made the fatal mistake of kissing her, she became head nurse. There was no way Dr. Hanover could've decided so abruptly to make Ratched head nurse instead of Nurse Bucket. She might be able to dupe everyone else here but no doubt Nurse Ratched was behind this whole thing. Surely, her craving for power had come through the surface again although I'd truly hoped she'd changed after she'd taken care of me and shown me her warm side. The woman had schemed and manipulated her way to the top. Why? All of this for control and power? Had her brother something to do with her behavior? I didn't know.

This woman still remained a walking mystery to me and yet I found myself mulling over her at night when I couldn't sleep. Is it my fault she's become that way again? Is this all happening because I acted carelessly?

Yet another premonition crossed my mind: As a head nurse, she could deal with me as she saw fit. She could keep me in this hospital as long as she wanted, she could make my life here a living hell anytime. What if she tells someone about the kiss? What kind of consequences would that entail for me? Would I have to stay here forever?

Warm, fresh tears flowed down my cheeks as I pulled the covers closer to my body. Restless I stared into the darkness and tried to picture myself at home with my brother, sitting at the table and playing chess on Sunday as we'd used to do back then. My heart ached thinking about him and that's when I realized how much I missed my brother. What I would give to just hear his voice again...


My tired eyes roamed the in bright sunlight flooded entrance area. Another day sitting in the lobby, another day in hell. The cycle seemed endless. I was tired of waking up and finding myself in this small room at the end of the corridor, I was tired of living the same annoying day, again and again, the thought that Ratched would make me suffer here always in the back of my head. I couldn't bear staying here in this prison on my own any minute longer.

The guy I'd met the day I arrived here had disappeared. I hadn't seen him for a very long time so I assumed he'd got out of the hospital at some point. What a lucky man. I needed to get out of here somehow as well even though it seemed impossible with all the guards watching the floors day and night.

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